10 Alternative Uses For Lip Balm

Did you know that lip balm can be used in other ways than just moisturizing your lips? Learn 10 great alternatives to lip balm – you’ll fall in love with them!
10 alternative uses for lip balm

Lip balm is a popular cosmetic product commonly used to moisturize lips and protect sensitive lip skin from drying out. Indeed, many carry lip balm almost everywhere and use it many times during the day. There are even surprising uses for it, read what!

However, lip balm is not just a beauty product, but can be used for many other purposes as well. In this article, we’ll introduce you to 10 surprising, new ways to use lip balm – try these today!

1. Lip balm prevents and heals bladders in the legs

lip balm for the bladder

Bladders in the heels or toes are caused by abrasive shoes. The bladders can be painful and bleed, and sometimes they can also become inflamed if left untreated.

The protective ingredients contained in lip balm create a film on the bladder, soften it and help it heal faster.

You can pat the lip balm directly on the crevices before using uncomfortable shoes to prevent abrasion between the skin and the shoe. The oily composition of lip balm prevents blisters.

2. Lip balm protects facial skin

The combination of antibacterial and protective lip balm is suitable for protection from the sun if the sunscreen is forgotten at home and the lip balm has a protection factor.

Lip balm does not protect the skin as well as sunscreen, but it can be used instead of sunscreen in special situations. Rub the lip balm on the face in a circular motion and allow it to be absorbed properly.

3. Lip balm heals scratches and superficial wounds

lip balm recovery;  wounds

The moisturizing and soothing effect of lip balm is suitable for the treatment of superficial scratches and wounds on the skin. Applying a small amount of lip balm to the area to be treated nourishes the skin, facilitates skin cell regeneration and repair, and ensures that the skin heals faster.

Lip balm has an interesting, anti-inflammatory effect that can also be used to soothe insect bites and stings.

4. Lip balm can hide bumps and scratches on footwear

Did the beautiful leather shoes hit the walk? Various scratches and marks easily appear on the shoes during use, but instead of throwing expensive shoes away, what if you tried lip balm to renew and beautify them?

Lip balm is especially suitable for the treatment of leather shoes, as the oils contained in lip balm keep the skin shiny and protect it from the effects of the environment, such as moisture.

5. Lubricate the zippers with lip balm

lip balm for recovery

The oiliness of the lip balm is well suited for lubricating stuck zippers and other metal objects.

Rub the lip balm on the solidified zipper, leave it on for a few minutes and try to use the zipper normally.

6. Lip balm removes hair fluff

You can apply a drop of lip balm to your hairbrush while saying goodbye to fluffy, unruly hair.

The moisturizing effect of lip balm is transferred to the hair through the brush, giving it shine, moisture and shape, and preventing it from tangling and fluffing during the day.

7. With lip balm perfect for eyebrows

Do you have unruly eyebrows that don’t want to stay outstretched? Eyebrows may dry out and sag aesthetically, but using lip balm can give them shape and posture. Swipe a drop of lip balm on the eyebrows with a small brush, and you will keep the shape of the eyebrows beautiful.

8. Lip balm protects and softens cuticles

The moisturizing, protective and antibacterial effect of lip balm is a good alternative to nail care. Apply lip balm directly to the cuticles, keeping them soft and beautiful – this way they won’t get dry and torn, while protecting your nails from inflammation.

9. An empty lip balm tube is suitable for storage

You can reuse empty lip balm by filling it with toothpaste, wax or Vaseline, for example. Scrape the lip balm residue off the stick, wash it with hot water and fill with the desired substance. Awesome to travel!

10. Lip balm acts as a make-up primer

Applying a small amount of lip balm on the face before applying makeup gives the makeup a good foundation and protects the skin from makeup chemicals that can irritate the skin. Lip balm gives the face a beautiful shine and prevents the skin from drying out during the use of makeup.

The creamy composition of the lip balm gives the face a natural glow that matches the makeup done by a professional.

Are you aware of these uses for lip balm? Now that you know what lip balm can be used for, feel free to try it elsewhere than on your lips!

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