10 Reasons To Leave The Comfort Zone Behind

10 reasons to leave the comfort zone behind

Many people think that the comfort zone consists of all the pleasant situations that surround us and bring enjoyment to our lives. However, it is not about that at all, but the comfort zone consists of all the situations, both good and bad, to which we are already accustomed and which are part of our routine. This particular routine, however comfortable it may be, makes us avoid questioning things, thinking critically, and making decisions.

It’s the only comfort that the comfort zone brings us: comfort as we move through all reluctance. The comfort zone is like a bubble that protects us while keeping everything the same. No matter how we complain and feel intolerable, we stay there because of our fears and because it has become so amazingly easily shaped for us.

The price for this is very high. Not stepping out of the comfort zone is practically the same as denying life and growth. We only stay there being, as the years roll by us and our lives become more and more withered. Here are ten good reasons to do something important in front of you: Leave your comfort zone.

1. You find in yourself a potential that you didn’t know you had

the girl's eyes are covered

This is not a cliché. It’s surprising what we finally find out about ourselves when we dare to do something that pulls us away from our old ways or when we decide to chase a goal we didn’t initially believe we would achieve. We each have many latent abilities and skills that await our opportunity to become visible.

The path on which we face the least resistance offers itself to us as a routine, for that is what it is Designed for. Only the most exceptional situations demand the most of us,  and it is in these situations that we find that we can do much better than we thought.

2. You become more flexible

When you cling to just one point of view, you quite unnoticed stop to look at many perspectives on reality that may be much more useful and interesting than what you are focusing on. Leaving the comfort zone allows you to get closer to new ways of looking at yourself and your life.

This in turn is reflected in increased flexibility in valuing things and your lifestyle. In other words: you become more adaptable. Increased adaptability, in turn, is reflected in a better ability to cope with difficult situations.

3. You will achieve better self-confidence

When you find that you just lacked determination and that you are actually able to do a lot more things than you thought, your self-confidence will rise immediately and you will begin to achieve the things you were afraid to do in the past.

Uncertainty is fueled by the very way of not trying.  When you stop over-analyzing and act instead, there’s not a time when you can do much more than you imagined. You will also experience greater appreciation for yourself.

4. Get rid of many of your fears

Our worst fears have arisen from indecision and reluctance. Fear creates its own vicious circle: because you are afraid, you do not try and stay where you are. Because you don’t try, fear takes over from you and grows further.

For the most part, if not in all cases, something as simple as acting eliminates fear. In general, the state of fear worsens as we move forward. The only difficult thing is getting started; if you do this, you will notice how many of your biggest fears disappear.

5. You will feel your life is more exciting

the comfort zone is left behind

Courage is something that brings a sense of adventure and challenges into your life. Routines, on the other hand, are predictable and thus often also boring. Change awakens your emotional world. Some very pleasant feelings are wiped away, such as a sense of surprise, curiosity, and a desire to explore new things.

6. Your creativity and intelligence will increase

Even large intelligents will remain trampled into place unless they are offered constant stimulation. Intelligence is like a muscle that must be exercised in order to maintain its ability to function. The routine requires little of us except minimal use of our intelligence capacity.

The same goes for creativity. Only new situations give rise to new reactions and solutions in us. Leaving the comfort zone gives your creativity and intellect the opportunity to express itself.

7. Your desire for life grows when the comfort zone is left behind

When your life ceases to be an endless repetition of the same things, it becomes much more interesting and worth living. If you are more satisfied with yourself and find out a little quietly that you are capable of much more than you imagined, your appreciation for life will surely grow.

8. Your relationships develop better

In order to be able to have a good human relationship with others, we must first have a good relationship with ourselves. If you’re not happy with who you are or what you’re doing, it’s hard to appreciate all the good things about the people around you.

Leaving the comfort zone behind, finding yourself, overcoming fears, and feeling a greater joy in life are things that lead to better relationships with others. You will find that conflicts seem smaller and that you have a great ability to see good in all.

9. You experience the present more strongly

Experiencing the present  is one form of integrity. When your aspirations, attention, and enthusiasm are focused on this moment, it is a moment of personal insight. Leaving the comfort zone leaves no room for anything other than living in the moment. Namely, you need all your attention and determination to navigate in the new situation that is spreading before you.

couple on the car roof

10. You will become more independent

By increasing confidence in your own potential, you will feel that you need other people differently than before. They are great partners, not your pillars or your security. In addition, independence reinforces a sense of security about yourself, while allowing you to feel the value of freedom more than ever.

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