10 Tips For Making The Perfect Mashed Potatoes

10 tips for making the perfect mashed potato

Potato mousse is a family food classic that tastes good from year to year for both children and adults. The muse is suitable for lunch or dinner and can be used for meat or vegetarian dishes. There are many different variations of mashed potatoes , and you can add different vegetables to the mash to give it a new flavor. Mashed potatoes are easy to make, but making perfect mashed potatoes requires good technique and knowledge. You can prepare the best mashed potatoes with the instructions below.

Sometimes the muse can be pasty, sticky, too thick or too thin. Do you long for the perfect creamy and tasty mousse? Follow the instructions in this article and you will charm the whole family with your muse.

Choose the right potato quality for making mues


peeling potatoes

There are differences in potatoes: some qualities are best for cooking, others for frying and some potato qualities make the best mousse. Potatoes are found in waxy, soft starchy or suitable for frying. If you want your music to be creamy soft, choose a potato that is high in starch, such as a red-shelled potato. Such a potato breaks down easily and forms the perfect base for a soft and airy mousse. If you can’t find red-shelled potatoes in the store, you can also use potatoes for frying, their composition is quite similar.

Cut the potatoes into pieces of the same size

Potato pieces of different sizes ripen at different rates, so small pieces break down in the water before larger pieces are cooked. The muse becomes uneven in composition and lumpy. Dice the potatoes into pieces of the same size as possible in boiling water, so that they cook at the same rate.

Remove excess moisture


French fries

There are many ways to make sure the muse becomes soft and airy. Be sure to strain the boiled potatoes properly and pour them back into the hot pot you used to cook. In this way, the water still lurking in the potato evaporates and the potato pieces dry properly. If the potatoes are very wet, the mousse will easily become watery and runny.

Use a potato picker

Do not pour boiled potatoes into the blender or mix them with a hand mixer. Instead, break the potatoes with a potato punch. If you beat the potatoes too efficiently, the starch they contain will break down and the mousse will become a sticky paste. So always use a potato picker, even if it is a bit more laborious. The potato grater is designed for this purpose and with it you will achieve the best result.

Do not mix the mashed potatoes too much

Stir the mashed potatoes gently, as too vigorous mixing will cause the same reaction as using a blender or hand mixer. Stir in a drop of milk, cream or butter.

Do not use cold milk or cream


mashed potatoes need milk or cream

When adding cream or milk to the potatoes, heat the milk first. Do not use refrigerated cold milk, as warm milk is more easily absorbed by the potato and you do not have to beat the music too much.

Do not use too much fluid

When pouring milk, cream or mayonnaise, add only a small drop at a time and do not use too much liquid. If you use too much fluids, the muse will soon turn into a running bridle. If you accidentally add too much liquid, you can fix it by adding potatoes to the mixture.

A small amount of butter makes a perfect muse


mashed potatoes need butter

We recommend using 20 grams of butter per pound of potatoes to maintain a good balance of ingredients. Use this rule to get a deliciously soft and creamy mousse.

Don’t forget the salt

A complete mashed potato is finished with a touch of salt. Add salt already to the boiling water of the potatoes, because this way the potatoes absorb the taste of the salt and the salt also makes them easier to mash. Taste the mousse before serving and add salt if necessary.

Enjoy the music “fresh”

Just like many other dishes, mashed potatoes taste best freshly prepared. The composition and taste of the heated mousse changes and it no longer tastes as good. If you are planning to make mashed potatoes, it is a good idea to get the ingredients ready the day before and even wash the potatoes in advance, and this will give you quick access to making mash after work.

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