13 Ways To Chop Onions Without Tears

13 ways to chop onions without tears

Many people feel very uncomfortably when their eyes start to sting when they are cut and filled with water. Few can peel and chop onions without tearing, so you may often get empathy when cutting onions!

Eye irritation is a stressful phenomenon, and those who often prepare onion-containing foods would like to avoid this phenomenon. While this is obviously not a serious problem, handling the onion and the associated tearing often causes frustration. In this article, we’ll talk about  ways you can make onion dishes without eye irritation. So here are 13 tips to help you chop onions without tears.

Why does cutting an onion cause the eyes to get wet?

When you cut the onions, they release a substance called air into the air , which causes the secretion of an eye irritant molecule. This molecule is called  syn-propanethial-s-oxide or propanethial . It causes eye irritation as well as associated tears.

The molecule in question is a sulfurized essential oil that is easily left in the nose and irritates the mucous membranes there. When you inhale propanethial, your irritating effect creates a familiar wetting of the eyes as well as a strong burning sensation. Sometimes this is so intense that you have to leave the kitchen to get your eyes in some normal condition.

Most people react with tears when cutting onions, so here are some of the best ways to easily eliminate this problem. These tricks are based on preventing or reducing the excretion of the reactant in your body.  In this way, its undesired effects are also minimized. So in the future, you can add onions to your meals without the pain and tears experienced in the kitchen!

The best tricks to chop onions without tears

how to chop onions without tears

The right kind of tools

  • As a first tip, we give the following: rub your cutting board with a piece of lemon before you start cutting the onion. This way you can chop the onion without irritating your eyes. This trick also helps prevent the strong odor that the onion brings with it from sticking to your cutting board. So try the lemon!
  • Make sure you have a good knife when cutting the onion – it should have a flat and sharp blade. A serrated knife produces more enzymes that cause a burning sensation and the appearance of tears. So with a good and even knife you will be able to delay the onset of these symptoms.

Water and cold prevent tears

  • If you plan to cook food with onions, put the knife you used for chopping in the freezer for 15 minutes before you start . Use a knife while it is still quite cold.
  • A good option is also  to put the onion in the freezer for at least an hour before you start cutting it. The coldness of the onion is a great benefit if you want to prevent tears as well as a burning sensation.
  • Water can help you get rid of the gas that the onion releases into the air when you cut it. So it’s a good idea to fill a container with water and then keep it close to the cutting board.
  • When cutting the onion,  put the  knife in cold water or vinegar  a few times during the cut. This method is very easy. Keep in mind that it only reduces tears a little, meaning it’s not as effective as some of our other tips.
  • Place boiling water near your cutting area  so that water vapor can dissipate the gases rising from the onion as you cut it.
  • One way to chop the onions more easily is to first chop them into larger parts and then let the pieces soak in boiling water for a few minutes before you start the actual chopping.

Get ventilation

  • One excellent trick to counteract the irritating effects of onions is  to put on a cooker hood during chopping.
  • You can also keep the window open and allow fresh air to flow, as this will allow the acids to escape. These acids get into the air when you start cutting, and that’s what makes your eyes tear.

Other means

  • While this advice may seem a little strange, you may want to take sunglasses or goggles to help you chop the onion  . This will prevent distractions and tears, and you will be able to continue cutting the bulbs without any problems. In fact, there are even glasses designed for cutting onions in stores.  So this advice is not as strange as it seems!
  • However, if none of these tips work, you may want to consider replacing regular onions with green onions. Admittedly, they do not give just as delicious a taste to meals.

Next time you chop an onion, try one of these tips – hopefully you can get rid of the sting and say goodbye to tears!

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