3 Morning Drinks To Get A Flat Stomach: Delicious!

To get a flat stomach, it is important that instead of fasting, you include in your breakfast foods and drinks that promote fat burning.
3 morning drinks to get a flat stomach: delicious!

One of the most common concerns for both women and men is how to get rid of the extra layer of fat that prevents you from getting the desired flat stomach. Not only is it an aesthetic problem, but waist fat can lead to health problems that have serious consequences if not addressed in a timely manner.

When fat accumulates in your abdominal area, it stresses and causes inflammation in the surrounding tissue. If this problem becomes chronic, it can lead to serious heart disease. The same layer of belly fat, especially in the waist area, also gradually causes your body to produce cytokines that affect insulin resistance.

As you can see, dreaming of a flat stomach shouldn’t just be due to a desire to look good in front of a mirror. It is extremely important that you take care of your waistline and make the necessary changes to your diet.

In this article, we suggest you start your day in the best possible way, with any of the natural drinks presented.

1. Lemon with mint to get a flat stomach

Flat stomach

One of the main reasons why it is difficult to get rid of the fat layer of the stomach is age. Whether you want to admit it or not, over the years your metabolism will slow down.

  • In the case of women, menopause can also be a significant factor. Dropping estrogen and progesterone levels means that more and more fat is accumulating in the waist and is harder to get rid of.
  • However, none of this is permanent. With the right diet, you can reach your goal. So get started now and completely eliminate processed foods from your diet and add this natural soft drink to your breakfast each morning.
  • Thanks to lemon, warm water and mint, stomach tissues feel better.

The refreshing and diuretic effects, as well as the antioxidants, make this natural drink very effective. It helps remove excess fluid, speeds up metabolism and promotes the elimination of toxic substances.


  • 2 dl warm water
  • 1 lemon juice
  • 1 mint leaf

How do you make a drink?

  • Start by squeezing lemon juice. Then use a mortar to grind the mint leaf. When you crush it, you get more of the flavor and natural benefits out of it.
  • Add mint and lemon juice to a cup of warm water.
  • If the juice of a whole lemon is not suitable for your stomach, try to use only half or less.

Starting the day with this healthy juice will help eliminate belly fat.

2. Cranberry-pineapple-pear juice

Cranberry juice

This juice is as tasty as it is healthy. One of the main reasons why you should choose this drink is its ability to help regulate blood cortisol levels.

As you probably know, cortisol is a stress hormone. Some people, while under a great deal of stress or anxiety, lose weight; others experience the exact opposite effects.

  • This is because cortisol affects each person’s body differently but the most common effect is that the hormone increases fat cells, making them more durable, especially in the abdominal area.
  • The combination of these three fruits can make it easier to prevent this from happening.

Pineapple, for example, in addition to regulating cortisol production, contains bromelain, an enzyme that helps break down protein to facilitate digestion and reduce swelling.

Cranberries help prevent numerous inflammations and, combined with pear, are great relievers of nervousness and anxiety, speeding up your metabolism for a healthier and flatter stomach.


  • 10 cranberries
  • 1 slice of fresh pineapple
  • 1 pear
  • 2 dl of water


  • Wash all ingredients well. Peel a pear, cut it into four parts and chop the pineapple.
  • Add all the ingredients to the blender: cranberries, pineapple and pear. Mix well and add a cup of water.

Drink this always in the morning.

3. Black coffee


You heard right, a thing as simple as a cup of black coffee every morning can make it easier for you to achieve a flatter stomach and increase the health of your liver and heart.

  • It is important to note that you cannot add white sugar, whole milk or cream to take advantage of these properties .
  • Caffeine is an effective metabolic accelerator due to heat production. It helps you burn calories, reduce the feeling of hunger and at the same time benefit from its strong antioxidants.

We are sure you will enjoy adding a cup of coffee to your breakfast!

But remember: just one cup of coffee is a natural remedy for your arteries, your brain, and it makes it easier for you to get rid of dangerous fat in the abdominal area.

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