3 Treatments From Oats To Lower Cholesterol

Have you just gotten blood test results showing that your cholesterol levels are elevated? This article will give you tips on lowering your cholesterol.
3 treatments from oats to lower cholesterol

Let’s start with the basics: LDL is malignant cholesterol that builds up in the blood vessels from unhealthy diets as well as genetic causes. LDL is harmful to health as it can cause blockages and make vascular function difficult. This can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease. In this article, we give advice on lowering cholesterol.

Your doctor may have prescribed cholesterol-lowering medicines. T econd important factor in lowering cholesterol is a healthy nutrition and exercise. By exercising regularly and eating correctly, you restore cholesterol to healthy levels and prevent the formation of other health problems.

Below you will find instructions for three oatmeal recipes that lower cholesterol naturally.

How can eating oats help lower cholesterol?

Oats are known to be a healthy food that does good for both the stomach and the heart. Oats are considered a superfood and can be enjoyed every day. Eating oats makes digestion easier, helps prevent constipation, regulates weight and takes care of heart health. Oats have been used for centuries, and according to modern medical research, it does have a beneficial effect on the body.

According to the Mayo Clinic of the U.S. Medical Research Center, oats are rich in cholesterol-lowering effects. Let’s take a closer look at them:

  • Oats contain easily digestible fiber full of lipoproteins. This reduces the accumulation of LDL in the blood vessels.
  • The fiber contained in oats is also present in apples, for example , which are known to lower cholesterol in addition to oats.
  • Also keep this in mind: not all foods containing oats are automatically healthy or lower cholesterol. For example, oatmeal biscuits, which are high in fat and sugar, should be skipped, even if they contain oats. Prefer oatmeal and oat bread.

This is how you enjoy oats to lower your cholesterol

1. Oats, green apple and cinnamon

Oats and apples contain the same fiber that is good for the stomach.



  • 100 grams of oatmeal flakes
  • 1 green apple
  • A glass of water, about 200 ml
  • A pinch of ground cinnamon


  • Wash the apple and cut into thin slices. Prefer organic farming as they do not need to be peeled. The peel of an apple is full of effective nutrients, so whenever possible, they should be eaten with the peel.
  • Boil a glass of water with oatmeal, a few minutes will suffice. Easy.
  • Add the apple pieces to boiling water and let them cook for about 20 minutes. Once the apple has softened, you can remove the pan from the stove.
  • Pour the mixture into a blender and mix until smooth. Pour into a glass, sprinkle with cinnamon and enjoy. This is a great drink for breakfast.

2. Oats and pears

Enjoy oats to lower cholesterol in the form of oatmeal and pear.


  • 1 pear
  • 100 grams of oatmeal flakes
  • A glass of water
  • 20 grams of honey


This recipe is great for breakfast or a light dinner. To prepare the portion, start by boiling a glass of water in a saucepan, add the oats and bring to a boil until the oats become soft and sticky. Add a tablespoon of honey for sweetening.

Wash the pear – do not peel – and cut into slices. Pears are suitable for lowering cholesterol and together with oats their effect is unbeatable. Pour the oats into your favorite bowl and add the pear. This delicious meal will keep you energetic until lunch or wing you up at the end of a relaxing night’s sleep. Try it now!

3. Oats and plums

Vary oatmeal side dishes according to your taste and preference!


  • 100 grams of oatmeal flakes
  • 2 plums
  • 3 walnuts
  • A glass of water


  • As this article shows, the best fruits for cholesterol regulation are apple, pear and plum. In addition to these, we also recommend strawberries, blueberries, kiwis and grapes. Combine these ingredients to your liking and try different recipes. You can easily add a portion of fruit to your daily oatmeal, thus avoiding boredom and ensuring a varied intake of nutrients.
  • Boil water and add oats. While the oatmeal is softening, you can prepare the plums. Peel the plums and remove the stones. Cut into slices. Crush the walnuts and set aside for later use.
  • When the oatmeal is ready, pour them into a bowl and top with plums and walnuts. This breakfast is a real effective way to lower cholesterol. Plus, it keeps you slim and gives you a dose of good nutrients – the perfect start to the morning!

Remember that you should follow a healthy diet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, not just in the morning. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits, good protein and fiber, and avoid fatty, salty and sugary foods. Cook your meal yourself from the start and find the joy of healthy eating – healthy food does not mean boring and tasteless food as long as you find the right recipes in your hands. Also remember to exercise every day, already half an hour a day is enough. Bring a partner or guy along and enjoy the movement even more.

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