4 Great Apple Smoothies For Slimming Your Stomach

Apples are high in fiber, which helps you stay full for longer and promotes regular bowel function. Make sure you always buy organic apples, as this will also allow you to take advantage of the benefits provided by the peel.
4 great apple smoothies to slim your stomach

Is a particular apple quality the one you like the most?  Some grades are sweet, and others are sour. In fact, however, it doesn’t matter what quality you choose, because all apples have one thing in common: they effectively treat human health. In this article, we tell you 4 great apple smoothies to slim your stomach.

If you only have a little time and want a drink to help you drop a few extra pounds from your waist, try apple smoothie. It is a great and delicious solution.

Apples have very few calories, but they give a good feeling of satiety. This fruit is also a cleansing product that lowers cholesterol, helps keep bowel function regular, and promotes heart and liver health.

4 great apple smoothies to slim your stomach

Apple smoothies can provide you with many health-promoting benefits in your daily routine. However, keep in mind that you should always buy naturally produced apples. Since one way to enjoy all the great benefits of this fruit is to eat its peel as well, it is important to ensure that no insecticides have been used in the production of the apples.

In this article, we’ll talk about  four ways to make apple smoothie. Choose the recipes you like the most, and be sure to follow a varied and balanced diet as well.

You’ll notice the effects of an apple on your body in just a few weeks – definitely worth a try!

1. Green apple and flax seed

4 great apple smoothies

As you already know, flaxseed has become a very popular product in recent years. They are rich in fiber and antioxidants, and it should not be forgotten that they are an extremely good source of vegetable-derived Omega-3 fatty acids.

If you combine the health-promoting abilities of flaxseed and green apple, you can  enhance the reduction of fat in your stomach and treat your well-being in a delicious way.

So take the following recipe to make smoothies from green apple and flaxseed.

Necessary ingredients

  • 1 green apple
  • 1 cup (200 ml) oat milk
  • 1 tablespoon crushed flax seeds

Do this

  • First you need to wash the apple well. The idea is that you also use apple peel for smoothing. After washing, chop the apple into four parts and remove the seeds from the middle.
  • Put the apple in a blender with oat milk. Stir well for a few seconds and pour the drink into your favorite glass.
  • Sprinkle a tablespoon of crushed flaxseed on the surface of your drink.

Awesome recipe!

2. Apple, cinnamon and almond

4 great apple smoothies

Necessary ingredients

  • 1 apple
  • 1 cup (200 ml) oat milk
  • 10 chopped almonds
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon

Do this

This smoothie with apple, almond and cinnamon is ideal to start the day. In addition to providing plenty of energy, it makes your metabolism efficient as well as lowers blood sugar levels, thanks to cinnamon.

It also helps with digestion and keeps your metabolism regular. What more could you expect from a smoothie?

Try our recipe and you’ll see how it makes you feel better. Simple and very delicious!

  • First, as always with other recipes, you should wash the fruit. Then cut them into four parts.
  • It is best to chop the almonds in advance. This allows you to make smoothies very quickly.
  • Apples, oat milk and chopped almonds are placed in the blender. Mix well.
  • After pouring your drink into the glass, sprinkle more cinnamon on the surface. Get ready!

You will find that thanks to this drink, your energy levels will rise substantially.

3. Green apple, kiwi and coconut water

This smoothie is very suitable for the middle of the afternoon. If you add coconut water, you will get health-promoting smoothies extremely effectively.

Combining apples with kiwi gives you  vitamin C and B6, fiber, folic acid, Omega-3 fatty acids, many phytonutrients and antioxidants.

This great drink is made very easily – make a note of the recipe!

Necessary ingredients

  • 1 apple
  • 1 cup (200 ml) of coconut water
  • 1 kiwi
  • 2 ice cubes

Do this

Coconut water can be found in health stores or in the specialty products section of supermarkets. It is a very nutritious drink and is well suited for those who want to lose weight.

  • Let’s start by peeling the kiwi and then chopping it into four parts. Then do the same with the apple, but don’t peel it.
  • All the ingredients are put in a blender and mixed until the composition of the drink is even.
  • When serving apple smoothie, don’t forget to include ice cubes as well.
  • Finally, you can bring some stevia or honey with you to sweeten your  drink, but never use sugar for this purpose.

4. Apple, pineapple, mint and lemon

4 great apple smoothies

For a flatter stomach, this slimming drink is a great choice and is also great for relaxing your body.

The mint menthol, pineapple bromelain and apple pectin it contains are great supplements to promote well-being. They help you improve your heart rate and produce serotonin, a hormone that makes you feel good.

So don’t hesitate, try this tasty apple smoothie! Its effects will surely surprise you.

Necessary ingredients

  • ½ lemon juice
  • 2 slices of fresh pineapple
  • ½ green apple
  • 1 cup (200 ml) of water
  • 5 fresh mint leaves

Do this

  • Start by squeezing the juice from half a lemon. Then chop two slices of pineapple.
  • Put in a blender half of the green apple (peel included), lemon juice, pineapple, a cup of water and mint leaves.
  • This smoothie is so easy to make that it can be made in just a few minutes. When the composition is even, pour your drink into a glass.
  • Finally, add a few ice cubes.
  • Then all you have to do is enjoy this tasty and health-promoting smoothie.

4 irresistible apple smoothies – don’t wait, try it now!

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