4 Masks For Acne Treatment

The mask made of brewer’s yeast is suitable for all skin types. The healing properties of the mask make the skin firmer, remove toxins from the skin and reduce excessive oiliness.
4 masks to treat acne

Acne prone skin needs special care to keep the oiliness of the skin under control.  For the treatment of acne, you should use an exfoliation that removes dead skin cells and dirt and toxins that accumulate on the skin that cause inflammation. People with acne should therefore take special care of their skin, keeping it clean and fresh.

In this article, we will give you instructions on how to make four different face masks that can be used to treat acne. All the ingredients in the masks are completely natural and do not burden irritated skin. Do not strain the skin with chemicals and heavy products as they can worsen the condition of the skin. Prefer natural products whenever possible.

How do masks work?

Masks can be used to treat the skin once a week. If your skin is very oily, you can try on masks twice a week. See how your skin reacts to the use of masks and increase or decrease their use accordingly. Here’s how to use masks:

  • Thoroughly clean your face of makeup and dirt. Peel the skin with salt or sugar or other natural exfoliating agent, go through the face and neck in a circular motion, do not press too hard. Focus on massaging especially oily and acne prone areas.
  • Rinse face with warm water and pat dry.
  • Apply the mask on the face and neck, avoiding the skin around the eyes. Allow to soak for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse the mask off the face, pat dry and immediately apply an oil-free, moisturizing cream to the face. Jojoba oil and coconut oil are also suitable for this, because although their composition is oily, they contain considerably less fat than other oils.
  • If your skin is really oily, apply aloe vera as a moisturizer.

Mask of aloe vera and lemon

Aloe Vera is a well-known moisturizing and healing medicinal plant, which is found in many beauty products. The Aloe Vera plant uses the transparent gel contained in its leaves and can be found in tube form in pharmacies and health food stores. We recommend growing aloe yourself, as this will give you access to it in the most natural form. Aloe is an easy-care plant that does not require much care.

If you happen to own an aloe plant, cut one of its leaves, split it and scrape the gel-like flesh into a bowl.

In addition to aloe, this mask contains lemon, which is suitable for brightening and cleansing the skin and expelling excess oil.

This is how you make a mask

  • Stir the alo gel into the lemon juice. You can also grate a little lemon zest if you use organic lemon.
  • Mix the ingredients together and add the ingredients if the composition is not thick enough.
lemon to treat acne

Green clay for the treatment of acne

Clay is great for treating acne and has been used for centuries to remove toxins from the body. Clay absorbs useful minerals into the body. Clay can be used for beauty treatment, pain relief and swelling removal. In the old days, clay was used found directly in the ground, but today it is available refined from health food stores.

Clay is suitable for the treatment of acne, as it reduces the swelling caused by inflammation and absorbs harmful substances.

This is how you make a mask

  • Mix the green clay in powder form with a drop of room temperature water. Stir and add water until you get a mask-like composition. Do not make the mask too watery.
  • Use glass, wood or ceramic tools to make the mask; avoid plastic and metal.
clay mask for acne treatment

Mask of yogurt and tea tree oil

This mask is an ideal way to control the production of sebum in oily skin and thus prevents clogging and inflammation of the skin pores.

Yogurt moisturizes the skin without making it oily; cool yogurt refreshes especially in the summer heat.

Tea tree oil, in turn, disinfects the skin and soothes inflammation. It is great for treating acne.

Prepare the mask using 15 drops of tea tree oil and a small jar of unflavoured yogurt. Stir and apply on face. Allow to soak in peace.

Brewer’s yeast and egg whites

This interesting mask combines two substances that are suitable for all skin types, especially oily skin.

Brewer’s yeast helps to remove harmful substances and dirt that have accumulated on the skin. It contains a lot of useful minerals such as silicon, which keeps the skin firm and youthful.

Egg whites firm the skin and reduce excess fat. If your skin is dry, you should use a whole egg, as the yolk is suitable for moisturizing the skin.

Here’s how to make a mask:

Separate the egg yolk from the protein and pour the protein into a bowl. Add the brewer’s yeast to the mixture and stir until you get a good composition suitable for a mask.

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