5 Common Diseases In Women – Recognize The Symptoms

5 common diseases in women - recognize the symptoms

Women should learn to identify possible symptoms of typical diseases to make it easier to get an early diagnosis. In this way, common women’s diseases can be combated in their earlier stages. Identification of symptoms may be a crucial factor in determining whether effective treatment can be given.

What are the most common diseases in women?

There are diseases that are more common in women than men, and of course every woman should be aware of them. However, women are sometimes more concerned about the well-being of those around them than their own, and this is a fact that our women should keep in mind.

It is also the case that a woman’s own lifestyle determines whether she develops certain ailments. Daily worries and skipping regular medical check-ups can lead to even serious problems.

happy woman

In this article, we suggest one very simple and vital thing: listen and take care of yourself, and prioritize the important things.  If you take care of yourself, that doesn’t mean you’re selfish – caring is about valuing yourself.

You deserve your care so that you can be happy as well as be able to give the best of yourself to those around you.

Learn to identify these common diseases in women

In the following, we invite you to familiarize yourself with five diseases that are a particular ailment of women so that you can be aware of their symptoms and better combat the development of those disorders. Keep reading – women’s illnesses are a topic worth your attention!

1. Migraines – a headache that begins in adolescence

Migraine is one of the most common diseases of women. The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported that migraines occur in twice as many women as men. In addition, the pain lasts longer in women, as well as occurs several times over a period of a month.

Migraines are possibly the most troublesome problem for women. Most traditional medications that affect the arteries are not at all helpful in relieving migraine pain.

  • Migraines have nothing to do with hormones or stress.
  • According to today’s knowledge, migraines are caused by hypersensitivity to nerve fibers.
  • In addition to having a genetic component, it has been shown that the central nervous system also has to do with this disease. Research is currently underway to develop more effective treatments for migraine sufferers.


central nervous system - diseases of women

Migraine symptoms

  • Migraines begin to appear in women at a very young age. In fact, it is common for girls to have them as early as age 11.
  • The pain is intense and throbbing, and is concentrated on one side of the head. It causes dizziness and vomiting, and in addition, vision is impaired and blurred.
  • This type of headache is persistent and occurs four times a month. Sometimes it disappears after several years.

2. The most common allergies in women

The following may sound strange, but allergies are more common in women than men. However, we do not always pay enough attention to them if the symptoms are not severe.

Gluten allergies, as well as barley and rye allergies, are more common in women. In fact, this is such a common phenomenon in women that the Celiac Disease Foundation has found that nearly 70% of those suffering from that affliction are women.

It is also good to keep in mind that women have the most direct contact with chemical products. We women get most of our allergies from cosmetics and home cleaning products.

What symptoms should you pay attention to?

  • Be careful how your skin and eyes react every time you use certain cosmetics.
  • Dry throat and constantly watery eyes are recurring symptoms when a person has an allergy.
  • Also pay attention to your digestion. Sometimes discomfort, flatulence, and constant swelling after eating can be signs that you have some type of allergy.

3. The most common diseases in women: irritable bowel syndrome

IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome, is a condition that affects the digestive process. It causes pain and inflammation, and also  manifests as fluctuations in constipation and diarrhea,  and causes impaired functioning for hours.

To date, there has been no information on the exact causes of irritable bowel syndrome. However, it has been found to occur during periods of extreme stress as well as when a person is nervous or undergoing hormonal changes.

common diseases of women - irritable bowel

Be careful with these irritable bowel syndrome symptoms:

  • It first appears at the age of 15-25 years.
  • It is not a simple disease and it is not bad digestion or gastritis. It causes intense pain in the colon area, and this pain spreads throughout the abdomen.
  • Symptoms include vomiting, flatulence, and a very strong burning sensation. The pain comes and goes and can last for a few days.

4. Diseases of women: Breast cancer

Breast cancer is also one of the diseases that is more common in women. However, it should also be borne in mind that over the last few years, cases of lung cancer and rectal cancer have been on the rise. So never miss regular medical check-ups!

What symptoms should be considered?

Pay attention to your breasts. Many of us have learned to feel our breasts properly so that small nodules can be detected. Despite this, we forget another sign of breast cancer, namely small pimples.

The most important thing is to examine the skin, that is, whether there have been any changes in it. There may be small bumps, strange texture or colors, or hollow spots.

Remember that if you have a family history of breast cancer, you may want to start testing before the age of 40. After that, you should always have a mammogram at regular intervals.

5. Depression

According to the World Health Organization, 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression each year. In women, this disorder occurs very much.

It is a silent illness that occurs at certain stages of life. However, there is one factor associated with this disorder that is good to remember:

Women have better ways to fight depression. They used to seek help from men in the past, and they are able to get emotional relief more easily. They can express their problems, and women can also communicate to others better by being open.

common diseases of women: depression

Symptoms of depression

  • Apathy
  • Lack of energy
  • Constant wind
  • Repeated grief and constant negative thoughts
  • Sleep disorders
  • Physical pain: muscle and skeletal pain


Do you have any symptoms of these diseases mentioned in the article? If you identify yourself with the description, we recommend that you seek medical attention as soon as possible. Hopefully , after this, however, you will recognize women’s illnesses more easily from their symptoms!

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