5 Emotional Tightening Methods That Harm Your Health

It is your own responsibility to identify and prevent you from being subjected to emotional blackmail so that you do not harm your own mental health. Taking care of your own health is the most important thing in everyone’s life.
5 emotional tightening methods that harm your health

There are many ways to harm another person to get what they want. In this article, we’ll look at five emotionally appealing ways to tighten so you can identify them if they hit you.

Blackmail is a way of getting another to satisfy themselves. A person who blackmails others is often ruthless and uses different ways to blackmail them to get what they want at any cost. When the tightening is repeated, he tramples others like under a slipper.

We want to emphasize that emotional blackmail can occur in the immediate vicinity, such as from a family member, spouse, child, colleague, or friend.

Today, we tell you about five emotional blacklists that you may face in your life that will affect your health and well-being. Read on and identify ways to avoid them.

woman crying

Five ways to tighten emotions

1. Prosecution

Blaming is perhaps the most common way to blackmail on the basis of emotion.

The manipulator makes a victim of himself so that the other feels guilty. The blackmailer seems to suffer and be in pain as well as punish himself so that the people around him feel bad and give in to the blackmailer.

The situation can happen at work, at home, in the community you belong to, or with your spouse. Feeling guilty causes anxiety and anxiety, which has a bad effect on your health and this lowers your defenses.

2. Gaslighting

Another common emotional blackmail gets its name from the film world, a film called Gas Light.

The blackmailer makes the other person believe that this is misleading and that this should go to the psychologist, i.e. he makes the person believe this to be weak and full of doubt. In this situation, the blackmailer is able to do what he wants and use the other person to his advantage.

the woman has been the victim of extortion

This type of manipulation is difficult to identify, which makes it very dangerous. Mostly this happens with a close person, most often with a spouse. Your spouse may not even know he or she is doing it or it may be pre-planned.

Gaslighting means that you begin to doubt your own perception and perception of reality. You eventually start to doubt everything. For example, a blackmailer might say, “It wasn’t me. You should have done it yourself. ” Or, “I’ve never said that.”

He destroys your faith and perception as false so far that you begin to doubt yourself. Confused, frustrated and it affects your mental health.

3. “Elephant in the room” or “cover the sun with your finger”

These are illustrative sayings of obvious things that represent real problems but are avoided as if they did not even exist. Both sayings are virtually impossible. You can’t miss the elephant and you can’t cover the sun with your finger.

Denying the existence of a problem causes people in the situation to suffer from mental pressure and over time the tension intensifies. Talk to someone about it if you feel like it. Don’t leave it at that, and don’t let the manipulator avoid it. Put a point to the situation.

4. Overcrowding

emotional blackmail usually occurs in close circle

Overcare is common in relationships, but it also occurs a lot between parents and children.

In this type of emotional blackmail, one person believes they are protecting the other. It’s natural up to a certain point, but crosses the line of a healthy relationship when it turns into over-care. The relationship becomes harmful and makes you unhappy.

This type of blackmail can be difficult to notice at first because the person has good intentions at first. Over time, the relationship becomes detrimental with emotional addiction, and the victim is eventually no longer able to control their own decisions or their own lives. The victim becomes a person completely controlled by the blackmailer.

5. Helplessness

hugging couple

It is very common to see a person exploit their problems and helplessness in an attempt to make others feel sorry for him. A person tries to get others to solve his problem on his behalf.

This is a very subtle and cunning way to try to control others.

This situation is sensitive and sensitive, as the manipulator tries to look like a victim and does not leave the situation as he tries to get the attention of others and others to take care of him. A person always tries to be a “pathetic baby”.

The basic problem with tightening a cunning is that the tightener creates situations that look like normal needs. He tries to take advantage of situations by finding solutions to his problems and helplessness from other people. This is a violent behavior that no one should tolerate under any circumstances.

As you can see, different types of emotional blackmail can occur in different ways, depending on the situation. It is your own responsibility to identify and prevent you from falling into such situations so that your well-being does not suffer. Remember that your health comes first in order of importance.

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