5 Natural Deodorants For Sweat Odor

Thanks to their antimicrobial and antiseptic ingredients, these deodorants help remove dead skin cells and bacteria from the armpits and thus get rid of bad odors.
5 natural deodorants for odor

Did you know that you can get rid of the bad smell of your armpits and the accumulation of sweat with the help of natural, deodorant-biting deodorants?

The bad smell of the armpits is an unpleasant discomfort caused by the accumulation of sweat, bacteria and dead skin cells in this area.

Its onset is usually associated with poor hygiene, but it is also associated with hormonal activity and the personal habits of each person.

While the ailment is not severe and can be neutralized, it can cause self-esteem problems and social stress for  some people as they cannot get rid of the problem with traditional products.

Fortunately, in addition to deodorants sold in stores, there are other, natural alternatives that can help with odor. They can be made at home. Unlike chemical-containing deodorants, natural products are very safe to use and do not cause any side effects on the skin.

Next, we share 5 great alternatives to the smell of sweat that you should try if you suffer from this problem.

1. Deodorant from corn starch and coconut oil

natural deodorant from corn starch and coconut oil

The combination of ingredients in this homemade deodorant absorbs sweat and bacterial residues and thus removes bad odors.

Its regular use removes dead skin cells, and by promoting the oxygen supply to the skin it benefits the function of the sweat glands.


  • 5 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 10 drops of tea tree oil
  • ½ Teaspoons of vitamin E oil


  • Put the cornstarch in a bowl and mix it with the coconut oil to a creamy paste.
  • Add tea tree oil and vitamin E and continue mixing.
  • When everything is very mixed, store the substance in an airtight container.

How to use it

  • Take a small amount of deodorant and rub into the armpits.
  • Use twice a day, every day.

2. Deodorant from baking soda, sea salt and citrus

Because this recipe is rich in antiseptic and antimicrobial ingredients, this natural deodorant  is one of the best alternatives to the bad odor  caused by bacteria in the armpits.


  • 2 orange peels
  • 2 lemon zest
  • ½ cup of water (120 ml)
  • 6 tablespoons baking soda
  • 3 tablespoons sea salt


  • Chop the peel of lemons and oranges and cook them in half a cup of water.
  • Once boiled, allow to simmer until the liquid has cooled to room temperature.
  • Strain and then add baking soda and sea salt.
  • Mix everything well until you get a thick paste.

How to use it

  • Rub this deodorant into your armpits and leave on for at least 40 minutes.
  • Wipe off excess with a damp cloth. If necessary, apply deodorant twice a day.

3. Deodorant from aloe vera and tea tree oil

natural deodorant with a fine odor of aloe vera

Combining a little aloe vera with tea tree oil gives you a moisturizing product that refreshes and cleanses your armpits.

These ingredients regulate the pH of the skin, and thanks to their microbial ingredients, they help stop the action of bacteria.


  • 5 tablespoons aloe vera
  • 1 teaspoon tea tree oil
  • 3 tablespoons rose water


  • Mix all ingredients well in a bowl.

How to use it

  • Apply the product to the armpits and leave on without rinsing.
  • Use 2 or 3 times a day to enhance the effects.

4. Deodorant from apple cider vinegar and lavender

The natural acids of apple cider vinegar combined with the active antimicrobial properties of lavender help reduce the bad odors caused by sweat and bacteria.


  • 6 fresh lavender flowers
  • 1 cup organic apple cider vinegar (240 ml)
  • Water (as needed)


  • Put the lavender in a jar and cover it with apple cider vinegar.
  • Allow to soak for 10 days and then strain the liquid.
  • Before using the product, dilute it with the same amount of water.

How to use it

  • Swim the cotton ball in the liquid and rub into the armpits.
  • Use twice a day, every day.

5. Deodorant from clay, coconut oil and baking soda

natural deodorant from lavender

One ointment-like deodorant that helps remove bad-smelling residues from the armpits is made from clay, coconut oil and baking soda.

These ingredients stop the growth of bacteria and over time also help reduce the dark spots that form in this area .


  • 1 tablespoon white clay
  • 2 tablespoons baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons organic coconut oil
  • 5 drops of essential mint oil


  • Pour all the ingredients into a container and mix into a creamy, smooth paste.
  • If necessary, moisten the mixture with a small amount of water.
  • Store the product in an airtight container.

How to use it

  • Take the required amount of deodorant and apply it to the armpits.
  • Leave on for 45 minutes and then wipe off the excess with a damp cloth.

Do you still suffer from the bad smell of your armpits? Prepare one of these deodorants and say goodbye to the problem!

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