5 Reasons Why You Don’t Have Friends

It’s worth wondering if the reasons we describe below apply to the fact that you don’t have enough friends in your life. Even if you are the comfortable type alone, friends are important and a good thing for your health as long as these relationships are healthy and responsible.
5 own reasons for not having friends

Do you sometimes complain that you don’t have enough friends? Are you sometimes lonely?  If so, you might want to think a little about the following reasons why you don’t have friends around. Namely, it is possible that you are doing things that will drive others away from you.

Sometimes it is difficult for a person to be self-critical or to accept their own faults. However, it is necessary to have this skill, and this is even better when you want more friends in your life.

Let us then take a closer look at what is at stake in this matter, and why this problem may be entirely to our own fault? Here come five possible causes of friendliness.

5 reasons why you don’t have friends

1. Do you always complain?

Constant complaining can be the reason why there are no friends.

Constant complaining can be the reason you don’t have many friends. Complaining is such an everyday thing for many that they no longer even realize they are complaining.

Complaining all the time can make others see you as pessimistic,  or think that you will always feel like a victim.

Complaining can also make you pretty selfish, because when you do, it just matters to you, and you feel like you’re in such a bad mess that you need the help of everyone else.

However, it can happen that  others around you can no longer listen to your stuff. Perhaps this could be one reason if you find that there are not many friends.

2. Do you forget about your friends when you start a relationship?

In a relationship, one should not forget one’s own friends.

Many of us forget about the existence of friends when starting a relationship. At this point, you often want to be just with a partner, which is quite understandable, but  time  should also be spent being with friends.

  • Your friends may get hurt if you call them or make plans with them only when you’re single. Friendship is something that should be respected every day.
  • Does your partner really need all your time? Don’t you really have any time for your friends?

In the phase of falling in love, a person is blinded so much that he  can stop caring about those people who have always been ready to listen  and comfort when problems arise. So don’t leave your friends aside when you start a relationship, as they are extremely valuable.

3. Are your expectations too high?

Too high expectations or demands can affect a small number of friends.

One reason may be that your expectations of them are too high. This sometimes happens in a relationship as well, and can be frustrating and tiring.

The fact that you expect other people to behave the way you want, or that you expect them to be a certain type of friend, can be a difficult requirement to meet. No one is going to behave in a particular way just because you want to. So set aside expectations that will destroy your friendships.

4. Do you have low self-esteem?

Low self-esteem affects relationships.

Another very common reason is self-esteem. When a person’s self-esteem is poor, there are many problems in the relationship.

  • Maybe you expect too much from others? Or maybe you feel others attacking you if they’re not what you expect, or are you sad when you’re not the center of attention?
  • Because of all this, it can happen that you  shut yourself off from others and you barely connect with your friends, and maybe you don’t even bother to do anything with them.

Eventually, these friendships will come to an end.

It is important that you consult a professional in this case so that you can get help for your low self-esteem. This will allow you to leave your home and meet people.

Visit the gym or enjoy a group activity. This way you can see that there are people in the world who could be your friends. Be open to meeting new people.

5. Do you talk about everything?

Gossiping about others ruins friendships.

There are many people who like to gossip in their circle of friends. The problem arises from one friend gossiping to another friend. First, the person you are gossiping about will realize how you are behaving behind his or her back.

This attitude can also cause your friends to lose confidence in you,  and perhaps they no longer want to be honest with you and eventually stop being your friends.

In all relationships, trust is important. Of course, it’s common sometimes to talk from one friend to another, but if you do this constantly, this shows a really bad attitude towards friendship.

Are these five things possibly the reasons you find yourself missing out on friends?  Even if you are the comfortable type alone, friends are a necessary and very healthy part of life – as long as you are responsible for these ties.

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