5 Ways To Increase Cerebral Circulation

Circulation in the brain refers to the amount of blood that constantly enters the brain. It may come as a surprise to you that the human brain needs almost 20% of the blood that every heartbeat gives. This includes glucose, which is an extremely important factor for adequate energy levels.
5 ways to increase cerebral circulation

Do you know what happens at a time when, for some reason, blood circulation is not up to the brain? The result can be ischemia, which means that a small portion of the brain tissue begins to die, nerve connections are reduced, memory fails, and the risk of stroke increases.

It is also helpful to know that improving cerebral circulation is a way to prevent the onset of serious diseases and to keep the brain healthy and cognitive functions at a better level.  This will help you improve your memory and concentration.

Want to know how you can increase cerebral circulation? Keep reading, because this time we’re going to talk about five ways to give your brain more blood so they can work better.

5 ways to increase cerebral circulation

1. Aerobic exercise is a way to increase blood circulation to the brain

Exercise is one way to increase cerebral circulation

Aerobic exercise enhances cardiovascular function and thus can also increase cerebral circulation. In addition, this type of exercise is very beneficial for the body’s oxygen supply, so it improves the condition of brain cells as well as improves tissue connections.

Want to know which forms of aerobic exercise are best for increasing cerebral circulation? You can choose any of the following simple forms of exercise:

  • Walk every day for half an hour.
  • Run every day for 15 minutes.
  • Attend dance classes.
  • Cycle for 15 minutes a day.

2. The best foods to improve cerebral circulation

The blood flow to the brain is improved by eating berries

There are numerous foods to help you take care of your brain health. As we mentioned earlier, this organ uses about 20% of the blood pumped by the heart, which indicates a high need for energy. Energy comes from glucose, carbohydrates, and certain types of proteins.

Keep in mind the following products that you should always include in your brain care diet:

  • Whole grains such as quinoa, whole grain rice, oats, barley and rye.
  • Essential fatty acids such as those found in salmon, sardines, avocado, olive oil, walnuts and pumpkin seeds.
  • Cranberries, strawberries and citrus fruits.
  • Tomatoes, kale, broccoli, spinach and asparagus.
  • Eggs.
  • Sage stews.

3. Avoid tobacco, overweight and stress

The blood flow to the brain improves if you get rid of overweight

It is really important to stick to this, as tobacco, overweight and stress are the three biggest enemies of brain health. You are probably already aware that tobacco, for example, enters the bloodstream in the form of nicotine and stimulates the adrenaline glands, releasing adrenaline hormone into the body.

Adrenaline also occurs in the body when a person is stressed, and this stimulates the central nervous system and causes tachycardia and high blood pressure. All of this also causes a decrease in pancreatic insulin production, which raises blood sugar levels as well as stimulates the brain too much. Stress is really like a ticking time bomb for brain health!

So what about obesity, why is that too harmful? How do excess pounds affect cerebral circulation? Being overweight increases the risk of having a stroke. The accumulation of fat causes the arteries and veins to harden, which causes the blood circulation to slow down substantially. All of this increases the risk of serious health problems, and these could be avoided by paying attention to diet as well as adopting better lifestyles. So it is really worth making some changes.

4. Do things that engage your brain every day

The blood flow to the brain is stimulated by weaving

How can “your brain muscles”? In order to increase blood flow to the brain, it is important to engage in their cognitive functions.  Memory, curiosity, daily interests, motivation…  All of these create new connections between neurons, and little by little more tissues and structures are created that strengthen the brain and prevent potential brain diseases.

It is therefore very important to learn new things every day, for example by reading or taking courses. You can also explore what the world of the internet has to offer so you can improve your memory as well as your ability to concentrate. For example, you can learn a new language online! It is very beneficial for brain health to stay active in this way.

5. The power of positive emotions

Cerebral circulation improves when the mind is positive

Daily stress, anxiety, or seeing things from a negative perspective can change the neurochemistry of the brain, resulting in increased cortisol production and increased levels of adrenaline in the blood. All of these cause variation in the blood flow to the brain, and if this continues for a long time, the results can be serious.

Positive emotions are a much better treatment than vitamins or painkillers. They provide energy for daily life, and as a result, dreams and well-being are reflected in the entire state of health. It is therefore always important to try to look at things from the following actions:

  • Hold on to your sense of humor. Talk about the things that make you happy!
  • Practice relaxing techniques such as yoga. Such hobbies will help you connect with yourself and feel alive “here and now”. In this case, you can feel that you appreciate exactly the things that are really important.
  • Develop your social relationships and enjoy the company of your friends and family. Don’t just stay home to sit!

So take these tips to help you improve your well-being by increasing blood circulation to your brain .

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