5 Ways To Treat Your Brain With Breakfast

In order to improve the health of your brain, it is important to include in your diet from breakfast onwards products that provide you with energy and help you increase the flow of oxygen to your brain.
5 ways to treat your brain with breakfast

In 2014, a very interesting book was published, entitled  “SharpBrains: How to Invest in Your Brain”  . This book explains how a person can treat their brains, increase their health, and improve their quality of life.

Within the framework of 11 key strategies, the book tells of factors that most of us already know, but which few still put into practice. Some of these very essential things are nutrition and especially breakfast.

It is difficult to leave sugar out of the diet although it is common knowledge that by giving it up a person can be significantly healthier. However, this is difficult to implement in practice.

Remember that moderate and adequate amounts of glucose are vital energy for the brain. A good level is 20% of the daily energy intake. So this amount of energy is what the brain needs, and it is relative to the rest of the body. As you can see, this is a fairly large number.

Any deficiency has consequences. So why not improve your quality of life and start it already with your breakfast?  Here’s how to do this – keep reading and improve your brain health with food!

5 foods you can use to treat your brain

Lifestyle partly determines a person’s ability to avoid unwanted things such as strokes. This is one of the biggest causes of death and permanent injury today.

We know very well that no one can 100% prevent paralysis, and that they can also occur in young people and those whose lifestyles are very healthy. However, one thing is worth keeping in mind on this subject. If your brain is in good health, you may be better able to recover from a stroke.

Your brain is like a muscle. If you practice it, you will gain more cognitive resources, improve your nerve function, and improve your agility.

One way to do this is to choose wisely what you put in your mouth. Let’s look at what ingredients you should enjoy with breakfast if you want to treat your brain:

1. Seed Power: Chia is good for the brain


brain neurons

Chia seeds are low in calories and provide a great amount of Omega-3 fatty acids.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids are vital for you to improve your brain health.
  • Also keep in mind that  Chia seeds contain more calcium than milk, three times more antioxidants than blueberries, and three times as much iron as spinach. Really amazing!
  • Their high amount of potassium and fiber is also the reason why Chia seeds are one of the best options to start the day.

2. Improve your brain function with avocado


avocado cares for the brain

How many calories? Yes. So do avocados make a person obese and raise cholesterol levels? Well not guaranteed.

As with everything else, this is about balance. Avocados improve blood flow and oxygen transport to the brain. It is enough to eat a quarter of avocado a day to get all the great health benefits of this fruit.

  • Healthy fats from avocados will help you keep your arteries strong and supple.
  • The monounsaturated fatty acids found in avocados protect cells in the nerves known as astrocytes.
  • Astrocytes promote communication between nerves and cells in your brain.
  • Avocado oil can help you improve your brain function.
  • Avocado is a good product to prevent stroke as it lowers blood pressure.

3. Green tea and antioxidants

Green tea contains eight times more polyphenols than fruits and vegetables. The catechins it contains are key to improving brain health.

Thanks to antioxidants and vitamin C, you can reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

As simple as a cup of green tea at breakfast every day will bring you significant health benefits in the long run.

4. Oats and unsweetened cocoa

This is a great combination to enjoy two or three times a week. Just add one piece of unsweetened dark chocolate to a cup of oatmeal and enjoy!

When you combine oats with chocolate, you get the following vital nutrients for your brain:

  • vitamins (vitamins A, C and D and multivitamins B)
  • minerals (silica for connective tissues, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron)
  • monounsaturated fatty acids

5. Blueberry is the best berry for the brain


brain activity

Blueberries are the berry with the most tannins, flavonoids and anthocyanins compared to other berries. This type of antioxidant has an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory effect in the body.

  • You can also eat blueberries to lower cholesterol as well as  promote better connections between neurons so you can learn more effectively.
  • While it’s not always easy to find blueberries out of season, they can be purchased whenever the opportunity allows and then stored at home.

If you get used to eating blueberries for breakfast, you can improve your memory. This is something that is really worth it and is also enjoyable!

Finally, we would like to sum up that starting the day with a good breakfast will help you improve the health of your brain. However, always remember to also avoid a sitting-focused lifestyle, and reduce stress as well as keep your attitude towards life curious.

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