6 Important Places In The Home That We Forget To Clean Up

If you want to take good care of your home and enjoy a clean and well-groomed atmosphere, don’t forget to consider the following places when cleaning as well, as over time they can start collecting large amounts of dust and dirt.
6 important places in the home that we forget to clean up

Many of us spend a lot of time and effort maintaining a pleasant and tidy home, but it is quite normal that sometimes when cleaning we may not be able to clean up a few small details of the home. In every home, there are difficult nooks and crannies that we annoyingly often forget to clean. Sometimes dirt and bacteria start to accumulate in these places, which over time can cause bad odors and even harm health.

6 places we forget to clean up

1. Tops of refrigerator and kitchen cabinets

Refrigerator cleaning is part of a comprehensive home cleaning

Kitchen cabinets that do not hold up to the ceiling are a great place to accumulate excessive dust and other dirt, as they  are difficult to access and may therefore often be overlooked during other cleaning. However, these places should be remembered to be cleaned at least twice a year. Also, don’t forget to clean the top of the refrigerator at the same time, as over time it will accumulate dirt and grease, which will act as a perfect habitat for bacterial growth.

Cleaning instructions: 

  • Fill the bucket with clean water (5 liters).
  • Add 100 ml of ammonia to the water.
  • Dip a clean cleaning cloth into the bucket and wipe the tops of the cabinets and refrigerator thoroughly clean of all dust and dirt. 

2. Trash cans

Trash cans should be thoroughly cleaned every two weeks. Even if the rubbish itself is stored in a rubbish bag, dirt and food debris can accumulate on the bottom of the bin and on the inside and outside walls, which over time begin to produce unpleasant odors.

Cleaning instructions:

  • Dip a clean cleaning cloth in water mixed with bleach.
  • Wipe the entire bin, both outside and inside.
  • Then rinse the trash with water and allow it to dry before use.

3. Floor brushes and sweepers

It is quite normal that we often forget to clean the cleaning equipment ourselves. However, it is essential that we also keep the cleaning equipment clean, as unclean equipment only spreads dust and dirt around the home. Sand, hair and other dirt are often left between the floor brush in particular.

Cleaning instructions:

  • Fill the bucket with clean water (approximately 5 liters).
  • Add a little detergent to the water.
  • Immerse the brush in water and clean it thoroughly.
  • Rinse the brush thoroughly and allow it to dry before use.

4. Fans and ceiling lights

Due to its challenging location, all objects hanging from the ceiling, such as lamps and fans, are often forgotten during cleaning. In particular, lamp tops and fan blades accumulate a lot of dirt and dust that cannot be seen with the naked eye. By cleaning these places regularly, it is possible to effectively avoid the spread of dust and thus also the pollution of the room air.

Cleaning instructions:

  • Remove excess dust with a dust whisk.
  • Dip a swab of detergent into the mixed water and carefully wipe all surfaces of the lamp and / or fan.
Lamps are one of the places in the home that we often forget to clean

5. Pillows and mattresses

Even if pillows and mattresses are always protected with bed linen, remember to clean them every now and then. We spend much of our time in bed, when the amount of dead skin cells, dandruff and sweat, for example , increases the moisture that is ideal for the growth of bacteria on the surfaces of pillows and mattresses.

Cleaning instructions:

  • Remove all pillowcases and sheets from the bed.
  • Strain sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) over bare pillows and mattresses.
  • Leave on for about 3 hours and then vacuum the surfaces of the pillows and mattresses thoroughly.

6. Durable bags for food purchases

Durable bags made of durable fabric are an excellent and environmentally friendly choice for grocery shopping. Sometimes food packages that open and break inside the bag begin to accumulate dirt on the surface of the bag, which can produce an unpleasant odor.

Cleaning instructions:

  • Remove all visible debris and dirt from the surface of the bag.
  • Wash the bag in the washing machine with a neutral detergent.
  • Allow the bag to dry before use.

Cleaning your home holistically can be challenging, and we often forget to clean up small details like the ones mentioned above that begin to accumulate dirt and dust in our living environment over time. If you come up with other places to easily forget about cleaning, tell other readers about them too!

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