6 Ways To Reduce The Risk Of Arthritis

6 ways to reduce the risk of arthritis

Arthritis is a fairly common disease especially in women. It is caused by inflammation in one or more joints and is often accompanied by cartilage weakening. Arthritis is painful and directly affects quality of life. Here are a few ways to reduce the risk of arthritis and relieve its symptoms.

According to experts, there are more than a hundred different types of arthritis . Two of them are the most common: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Both are painful diseases that cause a lot of suffering, inflammation, redness and stiffness symptoms that can easily become chronic.

But can arthritis be cured? Unfortunately, the answer is no. So far, there is no cure for arthritis, but its symptoms can be alleviated and thus improve the quality of life. Below we explain how it works.

What causes arthritis?

Inflammation of the joints

Not all causes of arthritis are known, but there are factors that contribute to the onset of arthritis and should be kept in mind:

  • Inheritance of the disease .
  • A disorder of the immune system in which the immune system destroys joints and cartilage instead of protecting them.
  • The body defends itself against inflammation and attacks its own tissues, which affects the joints.
  • It can also be caused by cartilage deficiencies, or bruises and injuries that have not been treated in time.
  • Being overweight can also be a major cause, especially when it comes to knee joints.
  • Muscle weakness is also a key factor. If the muscles are not in good condition, they will not be able to properly protect the joints and there is a risk of excessive strain leading to injuries.
  • Repeated movements on the same joints are also important to consider. Sometimes this leads to joint problems over time.

How to reduce the risk of arthritis and relieve symptoms?

1. Don’t ignore the pain

Arthritis can cause pain

Studies show that the first two years are crucial in treating joint problems. If you experience burning pain in your knees, hands, or any other joint, and if your symptoms last longer than two weeks, do not hesitate to contact your doctor.

Sudden swelling is common, such as numbness, inflammation, and redness of the fingers. Don’t ignore this. The sooner you start treating arthritis, the better.

2. Get a diagnosis

See a doctor to diagnose arthritis

As discussed above, there are over a hundred different types of arthritis. You may have rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, which are the most common forms of arthritis. But given how many different types of arthritis there are, it’s best to get an accurate diagnosis to find out which treatment is best for you.

3. Monitor your weight

Being overweight can lead to joint problems

Arthritis is common in the hips, knees and ankles due to being overweight. Our bones and cartilage are overweight, and this leads to problems. Always try to monitor your weight and drop it if necessary. This reduces the risk of arthritis.

4. Proper diet

Vitamin C in strawberries helps fight arthritis

There are several foods that help prevent arthritis. They protect and promote cartilage regeneration. It is important that you include the following foods in your diet:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids : they protect cartilage from cytokines and enzymes that destroy it. For example, olive oil, fatty fish, salmon and soy are very good sources.
  • Vitamin C: prevents inflammation and is a basic ingredient in the fight against arthritis. So don’t forget to eat kiwi, papaya, strawberries, lemon, oranges, Brussels sprouts, peppers, etc.
  • Beta-carotene: Foods containing beta-carotene protect against arthritis. Include orange and yellow fruits and vegetables in your diet such as carrots, cantaloupe melons, apricots, pears, tangerines, etc.
  • Foods containing bioflavonoids: prevent arthritis. These ingredients are found in, for example, blueberries, onions, chives, blackcurrants, etc.

5. Half an hour of exercise a day

Exercise prevents the joints from stiffening

You don’t need more than half an hour of exercise a day. It can be anything, but don’t strain your body too much. Walking (even with a friend), swimming, biking or light yoga practice. All of these give your joints movement and prevent them from stiffening.

6. Be careful with your posture, habits, and movements

Be careful when lifting heavy objects
  • Plan your day so that you can do several different things. Avoid always doing the same movement on the same joint. Over time, this affects the joints. If your job requires the same movement, always try to do small exercises from time to time so you don’t overwork yourself.
  • For example, when lifting heavy objects, try to keep the object close to your body and move as instructed in the image above. Take care of your posture, how you sleep, and even how you use your computer. Any repetitive movement can cause joint wear.
  • Avoid tension as it causes joint fatigue and pain.
  • End your day in a hot bath to relieve muscle tension and joint pain. Massage is also very helpful.

By following these tips, you can reduce the risk of arthritis and relieve its symptoms.

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