8 Diseases That Cause A Feeling Of Coldness

There are those people who, regardless of the ambient temperature, are cold all the time and in all seasons. It doesn’t matter if the sun is shining or if the temperature is pleasant, as these people always feel a feeling of coldness in their hands, feet as well as around their bodies.
8 diseases that cause a feeling of coldness

Various illnesses can cause a feeling of coldness , as well as coldness can be caused by a number of other different causes, such as following the wrong kind of diet or a passive lifestyle.

In general, when a person has difficulty tolerating a cold, this can be a sign of a problem with metabolism. The feeling of coldness can also be due to the fact that the person in question has a low fat percentage, which in turn does not allow the body to maintain a normal body temperature.

On the other hand, a feeling of cold may be due to a person suffering from an inflammatory disease such as runny nose or pneumonia, which can also cause changes in body temperature.

However, in inflammatory diseases, the feeling of cold usually decreases when the cause of the infection is treated.

Both the cold sweats that often occur with low blood pressure and the feeling of cold in certain parts of the body are both obvious and unpleasant.

Possible causes of cold sensation

In addition to all the reasons mentioned above, many other factors can also cause a feeling of cold even in the middle of summer. Such factors may include, for example:

  • Hunger
  • Anorexia
  • Fatigue
  • Infectious diseases
  • Menopause
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Low fat percentage
  • Circulatory disorders

Many studies have shown that for many women, the amount of estrogen leads to fluctuations in hormonal balance that affect the feeling of coldness and heat, mainly during menopause and pregnancy , for example.

8 diseases that cause a feeling of coldness

1. Anemia

Anemia can be one valid reason for feeling cold

Anemia is a condition characterized by a lack of hemoglobin in the blood. Hemoglobin, on the other hand, is a protein that carries oxygen around the body.

Deficiency of red blood cells leads to anemia, which in turn contributes to a person’s tendency to experience a feeling of coldness, as well as fatigue, pallor, irregular heartbeat, and difficulty breathing during physical activity.

2. Iron deficiency

A person with iron deficiency often has a tendency to chills and cold sweats.

Iron is a mineral that plays an important role in the transport of oxygen by blood cells. This, in turn, is a process that significantly affects the regulation of temperature throughout the body.

For people who feel a constant feeling of coldness, it is recommended that blood tests be performed to determine if the feeling of coldness is due to iron deficiency or some other factor.

3. Poor blood circulation

Poor blood circulation can cause some people to feel cold, even if the body temperature is normal,

Even if the body temperature is normal, some people may feel a feeling of coldness in certain areas of the body, usually the limbs.

Regardless of the season, be it winter or summer, these people experience a constant feeling of coldness especially in their feet and hands.

Sometimes there may also be a bluish tinge or even numbness in the limbs. This may indicate circulatory problems.

4. Raynaud’s syndrome or white fingering

Raynaud’s syndrome, or white fingering, is a circulatory disorder that can cause constant cold in both hands and feet.

Coldness can occur either occasionally or with seizures that can last from a few minutes to hours. For patients with Raynaud’s syndrome, exercise and massage of cold body parts during cold periods, for example, are recommended to produce heat and promote blood circulation.

The limbs of patients with Raynaud’s syndrome are usually pale. In addition to feeling very cold in the limbs, the patient may also experience numbness and hypersensitivity in the affected limbs.

5. Problems with thyroid function

People with thyroid problems often have a lower than normal body temperature

If you suffer from a feeling of coldness and fatigue, you have dry skin, thinner and more brittle hair, and your weight goes up, all of these symptoms can be due to hypothyroidism.

In general, people with thyroid problems have lower-than-normal body temperature and lower tolerance to cold. It is therefore worth remembering that thyroid hormone is meant to regulate body temperature, and if there are changes in the balance of the hormones, these changes can also cause a feeling of coldness.

On the other hand, it must be borne in mind that the thyroid gland also regulates the body’s metabolism and related reactions. If the thyroid gland does not produce thyroid hormone effectively, this can cause a slowdown in metabolism.

6. Vascular disorders

A feeling of cold can also arise when blood circulation in the legs and arms is restricted. Restriction of blood flow can be caused by disorders of blood vessels, such as blood clotting problems or arteriosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries.

Often during these disorders, both feet and hands experience white or blue discoloration as well as a feeling of tingling, and the skin may feel cold.

7. Diabetes

The most common symptom of kidney damage caused by diabetes is a feeling of coldness

Diabetes can cause kidney damage in the body. Kidney damage caused by diabetes is also known as diabetic nephropathy and its most common symptoms are a feeling of coldness. Diabetic nephropathy also causes difficulty breathing, swelling of the feet, hands and face, and nausea and vomiting.

8. Anorexia

In order for a person to feel comfortable, his or her body temperature must be 37 ºC and his body mass index sufficient. If the body mass index drops sharply, as in a person with anorexia, a breakdown in the body can lead to a feeling of coldness, among other symptoms.

In people who follow an unhealthy and malnourished diet, a lack of nutrients can cause not only a feeling of coldness but also a feeling of exhausting fatigue.

Other factors that cause a feeling of coldness

1. Alcohol

Consumption of alcohol evaporates the heat inside the body and can, on the contrary, cause a feeling of coldness as well.

Many believe that the body warms up when we have consumed one or more glasses of alcohol. However, alcohol does not warm the body at all, but vice versa. What alcohol consumption actually does to the body is to carry a flow of heat towards the surface of the body, that is, it transfers heat from within the body to the outside.

When the veins stop expanding and instead begin to contract, the feeling of heat disappears and the person begins to tremble from the cold.

2. Fatigue

When you feel tired (be it insomnia or chronic fatigue), your body is slow and deficient. This is because when the body produces less energy, its temperature also drops.

3. Too meager diet

Eating enough calories provides heat and ensures proper functioning of the body

People who follow too low a diet are unlikely to get enough calories to ensure efficient heat production. Consuming enough calories helps to produce heat and thus ensures that the body also functions properly.

The body is unable to maintain a low body temperature, so it is necessary that calories are consumed in sufficient quantities to ensure heat production.

4. Too low body fat percentage

People with too low a body fat percentage may feel a feeling of coldness faster and more often than normal. This is simply because there is not enough fat in their body to create a protective layer on the body.

5. Vitamin B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12 deficiency can also be caused by an unbalanced and unhealthy diet

The body needs vitamin B12 to produce red blood cells, which in turn carry oxygen throughout the body. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause a chronic feeling of coldness.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can also be caused by an unbalanced and unhealthy diet or poor intestinal absorption of nutrients.

6. Some medications can cause hypothermia

Consumers are often unaware that sometimes some medications can also cause a variety of ailments, such as urinary incontinence and, in this case, hypothermia or hypothermia.

Such drugs include antipsychotic drugs, barbiturates, vasodilators, some antihypertensives, and some antiepileptic drugs among many other drugs.

To avoid these unwanted side effects, it is always important to read the package leaflet that comes with the medicine carefully or ask your doctor for more information.

Recommendations that can help reduce the feeling of coldness in the body

  • Exercise.
  • Ensuring proper hydration.
  • Avoiding alcohol and tobacco products.
  • Adherence to a balanced and healthy diet.
    • Enjoying soups such as vegetable and chicken soup.
    • Increasing the proportion of onion, garlic and ginger in the diet.
    • Consumption of nuts, seeds and other foods rich in benign Omega-3 fatty acids.

If the feeling of coldness is due to the low ambient temperature, you can feel better by following the usual recommendations, such as enjoying hot drinks and food, and warm clothing.

On the other hand, if there is no feeling of coldness caused by low temperature, it is possible that the condition may be due to one of the above-mentioned disorders or diseases, and these conditions require medical attention. Once the underlying cause of the symptoms is found and appropriate treatment is started, the feeling of coldness also disappears.

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