8 Foods That Are Healthier Raw

8 foods that are healthier raw

Did you know that some foods are healthier raw? We want to tell you about them today!

Over the centuries, advanced cooking methods and food preparation methods have made it possible to utilize and consume a variety of foods. Frying, steaming and grilling are a few healthy ways to cook food and enjoy the nutrients it contains.

However, some foods are at their best eaten raw, completely unprocessed, and natural. Often, cooking these foods can improve their taste, but when eaten raw, they get more vitamins and minerals. This is because heat and the ingredients added to food destroy some of the nutrients and make it less nutritious and beneficial to health. Below you will find a list of eight different foods that are healthier raw.

1. Beetroot

raw beetroot juice


Beetroot is known to be a raw material that contains natural sugar and important nutrients, it can be obtained from:

  • Vitamins (A, B, and C)
  • Minerals (potassium, magnesium, iron)
  • Fiber

In addition, regular ingestion of beets supports the body’s defense system, blood circulation and other important bodily functions and brain performance.

Beets should be eaten raw, either in salads or in the form of juice, as cooking beets reduces the folic acid they contain by up to a quarter, and this ingredient is especially important for the brain.

2. Broccoli

Broccoli contains more vitamin C, calcium, potassium and other important nutrients than any other vegetable. It does good to the body holistically.

In addition, broccoli gets a compound that reduces the risk of cancer, autoimmune diseases and diseases of the circulatory system.

According to the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, people who consume broccoli raw get more access to the vitamins and minerals it contains.

3. Onion

onions are healthier raw


Onion contains the active compound allicin, which, when absorbed into the body, prevents cancer, relieves anxiety and improves the health of the circulatory system.

When the onions are cooked, the nutrients they contain begin to disappear and their absorption is impaired. So add the onions raw to salads and juices, and you’ll get the most out of them.

4. Red pepper

This vegetable contains up to three times the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C. It also provides vitamins B6 and E, as well as magnesium.

By limiting the cooking time of peppers, you preserve their sweet taste and important nutrients. At high temperatures, peppers lose both their vitamin C and other nutrients. Enjoy peppers raw in salads or a pop as a snack.

5. Nuts

raw nuts


Nuts are high in calories and should not be eaten indiscriminately: a few handfuls a day is the right amount. Nuts are high in essential fatty acids, protein and antioxidants and are an ideal snack as they keep the stomach full and prevent cravings for sweets.

The nutrients in nuts reduce the amount of malignant cholesterol in the blood vessels and prevent circulatory problems and diseases.

Nuts should be eaten raw, as this gives them more vitamins and minerals. Grind the nuts into salads and soups, or enjoy them as is in yogurt, on top of porridge, or as a snack.

Especially prefer these:

  • Almonds
  • Cashew
  • Hazelnut
  • Walnut

6. Berries

Adding dried berries to cereals and snacks is common, but unfortunately dried berries do not contain as much nutrients as fresh berries. Preservatives or sugars are often added to dried berries, which quickly make them unhealthy. In addition, dried berries contain significantly more calories than fresh berries.

Dried berries lose the water-soluble vitamins and minerals they contain in their natural state.

7. Coconut

raw coconut


This deliciously exotic fruit is best eaten raw. Often the fruit flesh of the coconut is dried and made into coconut chips or ground coconut, which can then be used in baking and as a side dish. Coconut is famous for coconut oil and coconut water, as coconut contains healthy fatty acids that strengthen the heart and brain. However, processed coconut loses much of its nutrients and is less beneficial to the body.

8. Garlic

Garlic is used in many different recipes and is rich in allicin and antioxidants. Garlic is a healthy addition to any diet, and at its best, it is eaten raw. Garlic eaten raw reduces e.g. risk of lung cancer. However, cooked garlic loses up to 90% of its vitamins and minerals.

Grate the garlic in salad dressings and add it to soups and other dishes uncooked. Get used to strong taste quickly.

Did you know that the foods mentioned in this article are healthier raw than cooked? Now that you know how good they are to your body raw, you can try new recipes to help you get the most out of their benefits.

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