8 Possible Symptoms Of Kidney Stones

Some of the symptoms of kidney stones are easy to confuse with signs of other ailments, but if you experience two or more of them, you should talk to your doctor as soon as possible.
8 possible symptoms of kidney stones

The kidneys play an important role in cleansing the body. While many don’t think so, the kidneys work day and night to filter and remove a significant portion of the waste that travels in the blood.

It is therefore the case that if the kidneys have difficulty functioning properly, mineral salts and other chemical constituents form crystals, which are commonly known as kidney stones.

This phenomenon can cause blockages in the urinary tract and can interfere with urination as well as cause such severe pain that a person’s quality of life suffers greatly.

The size of the stones varies, but it is always important to remove them to avoid inflammation and major health problems. Therefore, we now want to talk about eight symptoms that by detecting treatment can be obtained as soon as possible.

Keep reading so you can better prepare for this common situation!

1. Frequent and painful urination

kidney stones and urination

Changes in urination are always something that should be perceived as an  alert for problems with the urinary tract.

  • A constant feeling of the need to urinate, in addition to pain in the lower abdomen, may indicate kidney stones.
  • In general, the amount of urine decreases, but there  are constant cramps in the bladder  .
  • The pain is often severe when the kidney stones move from the bladder to the ureters.

2. Back pain

While it is common to associate this symptom with a muscle problem, it is important to remember that kidney stones can also be the cause.

  • Severe pain, especially on one side of the back,  is common in those with blockages due to crystals.
  • Sometimes the process causes throbbing pains and tenderness.

3. Nausea and vomiting

vomiting may be a symptom of kidney stones

We all know that nausea and vomiting are especially associated with indigestion.

If they recur frequently and in addition show the symptoms we mentioned earlier, it would be best to see a doctor as soon as possible.

  • These symptoms often occur when the stones have grown  and when they cause blockages in the urinary tract.
  • These symptoms occur because the kidneys have difficulty removing waste from the body.

4. Blood in the urine

Be very, very careful with this symptom! The doctor should assess the situation as soon as it occurs.

  • Bloody urine indicates problems with kidney function  or severe inflammation.
  • As for the stones, the urine can be pink, red or brown.
  • As the stones begin to develop, it is more common for the ureters to become blocked.

5. Heavily smelly urine


Poor kidney function – whether due to stones or deficiencies in the abilities of the organs – causes a strong odor in the urine. This odor is noticed as soon as a person begins to urinate.

  • Bad odors are caused by toxins that remain in the urinary system. They cannot escape due to the blockage.
  • The condition can also cause bacterial growth, which can then cause inflammation.

6. Inability to sit

People who do not treat their kidney stones in time may feel uncomfortable pressure while sitting.

  • The growth of crystals clogs the urinary tract. Usually this causes tension and pain in the abdominal and pelvic area.
  • Symptoms are reduced when standing. However, the problem should be addressed immediately, as it shows that the situation is becoming more serious.

7. Fever and chills

fever may be a symptom of kidney stones

When kidney stones are not treated as required by the situation, they gradually reduce kidney function. Then the  risk of urinary tract infections increases.

  • Fever or chills – albeit only occasionally – indicate that this problem makes it easier for bacteria to attack the urinary system.
  • The rise in temperature is starting slowly, but it clearly shows that the situation is getting worse.

8. Inflammations

The accumulation of mineral salts and toxins in the kidneys causes an  inflammatory reaction in the system, even if the stones are small.

  • It is common for a patient to notice a  mild inflammatory condition on both sides of the body at  exactly the points where the kidneys are located.
  • If the problem gets worse, this swelling spreads to the abdomen and groin.

Are you worried that you might also have kidney stones? If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your doctor as soon as possible. This will give you the necessary examinations and treatment to remove the stones.

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