9 Great Tricks Your Microwave Can Do

Your microwave can do much more than just heat and defrost your food. Learn 9 awesome microwave tips that can make your life easier.
9 awesome tricks your microwave can do

Your microwave oven is a very versatile device and can do much more than just heat and defrost food. Today we present useful operating tips for the microwave!

Whatever your microwave can do

If you think your microwave is just for heating leftovers and making popcorn, you’re wrong. Your microwave can save you from all sorts of tight situations!

Its best feature is fast cooking, as meals are prepared much more slowly in the oven and sometimes time can be tight.

Watch these awesome jips to unleash the superpowers of your microwave!

1. Corn


Instead of waiting for the water to boil to cook the corn on the stove, why not use a microwave?

Here’s what you need to do:

  • In this method, it is best to leave the shell in place. The rind keeps moisture and heat and cooks the corn more evenly.
  • Put your mic on high power for 3-5 minutes. This way, the shells are much easier to remove.
  • Be sure to let the corn cool for a couple of minutes so you don’t burn your fingers.

2. No more tears from onions

If chopping an onion makes you cry, you will love this trick.

Put the onion in the microwave for 30 seconds so you can chop it without tears. 

Why does it work? It’s simple: when you heat the onions before they are chopped, you paralyze some of the enzymes that make the onions release sulfur gases  that make you in tears.

how to use your microwave

3. Give the potato chips a second life

If you leave a bag of potato chips open, they will probably soften and sag. Try putting them on a plate and in the microwave for 30-45 seconds. 

Then remove them and allow to cool for at least a minute. When you taste them, you will find that they are crispy and delicious again. 

This trick also works on Popcorn.

4. Dried herbs

Dried flowers

It is better not to use certain herbs immediately after  picking from the garden, or when they are somewhat fresh.

However, if you want to use them right away and don’t have time to wait for them to dry, your reliable heating machine can save the day.

Heat the herbs on high power for 2-3 minutes to dry them. Be sure to dry well and remove any excess water before heating. Otherwise, instead of drying them, you cook them!

5. Juicier citrus fruits

This is a great trick to get the most out of citrus fruits. Squeezing fruits such as grapefruit, lemons, lime, oranges, etc. can be tricky.

If you put them in the microwave for 20 seconds and then squeeze them, you will get a lot more juice, as heating will soften the guts and the juice will come out without much effort. 

6. Old bread

Many people don’t want to eat bread when it’s hardened and outdated. But to avoid throwing away the bread after it has hardened, just put it in the microwave.

Wrap the bread in a damp towel and heat over high heat for 10-12 seconds.  Then check that the bread has softened. If not, heat a little more  until it is soft.

7. Your microwave will cook the scrambled eggs

Put away your frying pan and use your microwave to prepare an easy, quick breakfast. Here’s all you need to do:

  • Beat the eggs with a drop of milk.
  • Add salt and pepper to taste, and put in the microwave on high power for 45 seconds.
  • Remove and whisk quickly with a fork, and put back in the microwave for 30-45 seconds.
  • Repeat until the eggs have cooked to your liking.

8. French fries from the beginning

The French

You’ll probably think you need a deep fryer for this, but give your mic a chance. It might very much surprise you. Here’s all you need to do:

  • Start by slicing your potatoes as thinly as you can and place them on a micro-resistant  plate.
  • The cooking time varies depending on the micro, but usually 3-5 minutes on high heat is good. 
  • When the potatoes are ready and golden, remove them from the microwave, add salt, and enjoy.

9. Your microwave oven is also used to make sunken eggs

Traditional deep-boiled eggs are a tedious task, but your micro can help with that. All you need to do is fill a micron-resistant container with half a cup of water and a touch of salt. 

Break the egg into a container, and make sure it is completely covered with water. 

Cover the lid with a small plate and put in the microwave on high power for just a minute. You will be surprised by the result!

Try these micro tricks and share them with your friends!

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