9 Quick Dinners For Weight Loss

It is also important to eat in the evening to keep your metabolism active. Dinner is therefore essential, as long as you choose healthy foods that do not prevent weight loss.
9 quick dinners for weight loss

A common problem with dieting is that you don’t have time to think about what you could prepare for food. That’s why we’ve put together the best healthy but quick dinners in this article ! This way, you don’t have to spend too much time thinking about how to prepare your meal to fit your diet.

The importance of dinner when losing weight

Being on a diet does not mean skipping meals or eating protein and vegetables alone. Such “miracle diets” are a very common mistake among dieters who want to lose weight fast. Include these healthy but quick dinners in your diet.

In order for the diet to be healthy, the weight to drop gradually and also to remain stable thereafter, it is recommended to eat a balanced diet and increase the number of meals daily to five. This is how you eat regularly but in smaller portions.

quick dinners: vegetable soup

Adequate energy intake is essential to make it easy to stay on a diet. This way you avoid hunger and cravings for snacks that could make you eat uncontrollably. At dinner, you supplement your daily caloric intake. It also prepares you for sleepy hours of fasting. This way you sleep better and your body gets enough energy for its important functions during the night.

So a good dinner is an absolutely important thing on a balanced diet. Getting your body used to not eating dinner makes it burn fewer calories during sleep. This means a lower metabolism, as the body burns fewer calories, which in turn makes it harder to lose weight.

What is a balanced and weight-loss meal?

To make a dinner suitable for weight loss, you can combine foods rich in carbohydrates, such as rice, oats or pasta, for example, with vegetables and green leafy vegetables. This will give you the right amount of energy and many essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals.

woman planning dinner for weight loss

Meat, fish or dairy products get a lot of protein for dinner. This nutrient is also obtained from legumes and tofu, which is especially important for vegans or vegetarians.

A complete dinner consists of half vegetables, a quarter of protein-rich foods, and the same amount of carbohydrate-rich foods. This way, you get all the nutrients your body needs.

It is highly recommended to use cooking methods that require little oil. Examples of these are:

  • Barbecue
  • Maturation inside a bag, foil, greaseproof paper, etc.
  • Baking in the oven
  • Wokkaus

These methods are simple and make delicious meals.

Quick dinners for weight loss

Finally, we’ll take a closer look at these quick dinners that will inspire you to put together your own meals. You can change these examples as you wish.

Option 1:

  • Arugula tomato salad
  • Grilled chicken breast
  • 2 slices of wholemeal bread
  • Lean yogurt or fruit

Option 2:

  • Julienne soup with noodles
  • Mackerel and vegetables cooked in a wrapper
  • Lean yogurt or fruit
tasty soup

Option 3:

  • Zucchini puree and potatoes
  • Turkey cheese bread
  • Skimmed yogurt with muesli

Option 4:

  • Lentil salad: red and green peppers, chives, corn and cucumber
  • Eggplant omelette
  • Lean yogurt and tea

Option 5:

  • Flavored white asparagus
  • Fried croutfish, potatoes and onions
  • Lean yogurt or fruit

Option 6:

  • Fresh spinach salad
  • Whole grain pasta with tuna and shrimp
  • Fruit salad

Option 7:

  • Potato salad, grated carrots and bean sprouts
  • Turkey-pineapple skewers
  • Lean yogurt or fruit
potatoes and vegetables

Option 8:

  • Vegetable barbecue: eggplant, peppers, onions and asparagus
  • Roasted, herb-flavored hake and 1 small potato in a wrapper
  • Skimmed yogurt with muesli

Option 9:

  • Chard and salted chickpeas
  • Scrambled eggs with mushrooms and shrimp
  • Fruit salad

As you can see, we’ve added tea or fruit as a dessert, for example, as they increase the feeling of satiety after a meal and curb the amount of food you eat.

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