5 Signs That You Are A Toxic Person

If the same problems keep recurring in your relationships, you need to consider whether the fault is in yourself instead of in other people. Are you a toxic person?
5 signs that you are a toxic person

We have talked about toxic people and their behavior in the past. We have also said that it is better to stay away from them. But have you ever wondered if you could possibly be such a toxic person yourself? If you are, would you realize it for yourself?

Can I be a toxic person myself?

The truth is that we rarely think about such things or anything related to them. But it’s important to take a little moment to think about it.

Thinking about it is important because your relationships with other people shape your life. The problem is that if you are a toxic person yourself, you will find yourself drifting into conflict-filled relationships that will not bring happiness or security to your life. 

Now that you know this, it’s time to learn to recognize the signs that you know you’re a toxic person.

1. You speak evil of others

are you a toxic person to your friends

One of the first signs of toxicity is that you especially like to talk bad about other people and criticize them.

Man is talkative by nature; in fact, we need to talk to other people on a regular basis. However, when a conversation turns into gossip, it is neither healthy nor positive. Ask yourself:

  • Do you always criticize others?
  • Do you just talk negatively about certain people and never stop to think about their pros?
  • Did you come up with things in your head just because you had something to say?

The truth is, people learn not to believe you, even if it doesn’t matter to you. Over time, others will no longer trust you when they see you weighing others down. Eventually, they will take the distance from you.

You can solve this problem simply by stopping talking constantly negatively about other people. True, sometimes it’s best not to say anything, especially if it might offend others.

2. You look at life negatively

Another sign of your toxicity is that you are constantly negative. You find the downsides to all things and you always have some reason to be angry or angry.

If you spend your time being sarcastic, complaining about everything, or being sad, eventually no one wants to be near you anymore.

Don’t get me wrong; it is not that there is sometimes a reason to be down. However, spending time with a person who never sees things in a positive light eats up energy from the people around them. If this sounds familiar, it’s time to find out why you do.

Unhealthy habits can lead to unhealthy attitudes. If you behave this way for no apparent reason, you need to analyze your motives, that is, what lies behind the negativity.

3. You expect too much from other people

toxic person

Spending time with friends, family, or a partner should be one of the most important things in your life. After all, these relationships are part of your identity and happiness. However, if you expect too much from them, it could be a sign that you are a toxic person.

You have to remember that even if you are a part of their lives, you can’t take all their attention. Relationships between people are the giving and receiving of time, space, club, and so on.

However, if you demand time and attention whenever you want, but you are not the support of your loved ones yourself, they will feel exploited. If you believe you have made this mistake, take a moment to consider whether you are giving  as much to your loved ones as you are demanding of them.

We don’t mean giving money (or goods), but you could, for example, spend an afternoon with them, go to the movies or have coffee, or just enjoy a shared chat session. You can also learn not to ask and demand so much.

4. You are the queen (or king) of drama

Another sign that you may be a toxic person is that you always exaggerate negative situations. Dramatizing things ultimately consumes relationships, tires and annoys others.

In fact, some people really like to look for drama, for example:

  • Exaggerate the problems
  • Causes jealousy attacks
  • Fight and argue all the time

Does any of these sound familiar? If so, consider getting rid of these attitudes or at least gradually changing them.

Living life in the midst of drama not only ceases to be exciting after a while; it will also drive people away from you unless they have already done so.

5. You are constantly lying


Lying is never worthwhile, even when done with good intentions. If you do it constantly, you are definitely a toxic person.

We know that sometimes it can be hard to tell the truth if it means pain or shame – especially for someone you love a lot.

In this case, the harmfulness of lies and the importance of avoiding them is even more important to remember if with lies you would just “secure your own back”.

You need to consider the reasons for your lying and what you are trying to resolve with it. If lying is just a habit for you for no apparent reason, seek help as it is not a healthy habit.

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