Treat Dull And Dry Skin: Foods And Supplements

Treat blurred and dry skin: foods and supplements

There are a lot of creams and oils to moisturize dry skin, but the  best way to treat dry skin is to moisturize from the inside.

This is accomplished by eating foods and supplements that help nourish your skin cells. This will help make your skin smooth, even, youthful and beautiful.

Next, we’ll tell you which foods help treat dry skin. We also recommend certain highly effective  natural supplements. They are especially suitable for people who suffer from dry skin or who have a tendency to get wrinkles or other skin problems.

Treat dry skin with these foods

treat dry skin with these tricks
  • Fruits are high in vitamin C, which is a very important factor in the health of your skin. You get it from citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit, mandarin) and red fruits (strawberry, blackberry, raspberry).
  • Amerikanginseng  ( Panax quinquefolium ) is a  medicinal plant that refreshes and moisturizes drought-prone skin. It is also very useful for the elderly. Amerikangineng should be taken for 15 days, and this treatment can be repeated every two or three months.
  • Ginkgo ( Ginkgo biloba ) is a medicinal herb that has many useful features. These also include the fact that it regulates sebum secretion in oily skin. Thus, in addition to moisturizing, it also helps to balance combination or oily skin. This herb can be used for three months in the form of a bath or extract.
flaxseed oil treats dry skin
  • Due to its Omega-3 content, flaxseed oil is a product that maintains and moisturizes your skin, hair and nails. Therefore, it can be used topically as well as taken orally. It should be noted, however, that the oil should be in cold-pressed form and should never be heated. It can be enjoyed directly, or mixed with food if you don’t like the flavor of the oil.
  • Brewer’s yeast : What will the skin, brewer’s yeast is an excellent purifying and regeneration-promoting agent.  We recommend it if you have the enjoyment of the following skin problems: inflammation of the skin ( dermatitis ), psoriasis, acne or stretch marks. It is also suitable for use on burns or scars. Enjoy one or two tablespoons daily mixed with juice, yogurt or other similar product.
  • Butter and clarified butter or ghee  are excellent foods for nourishing the skin, as they contain fatty acids as well as vitamin A. In contrast, margarine is a very unnatural product. However, butter should not be used too much, especially if you are overweight. Only one tablespoon a day is the appropriate amount.
can help dry skin

  • Cooked Carrots:  Carrots are high in vitamin A, and if you eat them cooked it is a better option for your body’s digestion. You can also eat them raw.
  • Foods that are high in protein: Your daily diet should include protein, but instead several people eat too many carbohydrates. We don’t just mean protein from animal products here, because if you prefer to eat vegetable protein, good sources include legumes, nuts and mushrooms. Protein is an extremely important factor in the health of your skin.

Treat dry skin with natural supplements

Here we present a few supplements that help provide these nutrients that are important for dry skin;

  • Vitamin C:  This is one of the best supplements for your skin as it revitalizes and brightens, and promotes the youthfulness and regeneration of your skin. Vitamin C should be taken in small doses throughout the day, because if you suddenly take a large dose, it will remove an excess of your body through the urine – that is why you cannot get an overdose of vitamin C. In addition to the benefits mentioned, it also helps to improve your resistance.
  • Organic silicone:  Silicone is a vital product for the regeneration of your skin. In this case, we recommend consuming it in an organic form.
take care of dry skin
  • Collagen:  There are more and more collagen supplements available to help improve skin texture and firmness. Collagen is a very important protein, not only for your skin, but also for your muscles and joints. We recommend using it only from the age of 40.
  • Selenium:  Selenium gives your skin elasticity, which is especially important when treating dry skin. Selenium-based supplements can be combined with other minerals, such as zinc, which is also a very useful product. Selenium supplements also often contain vitamin E.

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