3 Yoga Positions To Relieve Neck Tension

You can manage neck tension by doing yoga postures that involve stretching and calming this part of your body. Although this problem can be caused by many factors, these stretches can quickly relieve neck pain for any reason.
3 yoga positions to relieve neck tension

The best part is that these postures can help you correct your posture, which is most likely the reason for the onset of tension. These postures also stimulate blood circulation and improve muscle oxidation to avoid stiffness caused by stress and strain.

Do you suffer from neck tension? Do you know any “nodes” in this area? You don’t always have to take painkillers or muscle relaxants. In this article, you will learn three yoga postures that you can use to alleviate these symptoms.

Why should yoga be practiced to relieve neck tension?

A short yoga routine can reduce muscle cramps or cramps, which can sometimes be crippling. Although the effects of this exercise are not scientifically proven, yoga has many benefits physically and mentally in a rehabilitative sense.

Thanks to such movements, you increase your energy level and the flexibility of your joints. Yoga also promotes weight loss and improves blood circulation, which is good for all bodily functions.

In the neck area, yoga is a good therapy for the pain and stiffness caused by stress and work. When you incorporate deep breathing techniques and mental stability, it’s the ideal way to minimize any tension in this part of the body.

Yoga movements to relieve neck tension

You do not need to be a yoga expert to perform these postures. They require a little concentration and physical strength, but they are postures that easily increase your flexibility and muscle strength in the neck area. 

1. Cat position

cat position to relieve neck tension

The cat position, or  marjaryasana,  helps relieve neck tension and stiffness. In fact, it is an excellent position for relaxing muscles as well as strengthening the lower back. It also improves mental health by reducing anxiety and stress.

How is it done?

  • Start by going to your knees with your hands and knees on the ground. Make sure your knees are placed just below your hips and your hands are below your shoulders.
  • Keep your spine in a neutral position with your back straight and your stomach tense.
  • Bend your back as you inhale. Relax your stomach and lift your head and neck towards the ceiling or the sky.
  • As you exhale from the curls, lift it to the skies, tilting your chin toward your chest.
  • Switch between these two positions while breathing in and out. Make at least 10 repetitions.

2. Cow face position

This position is also known as gomukhasana and it relieves neck tension as well as strengthens the upper body. It is recommended for relaxing muscles caused by stiffness and poor posture.

How is it done?

  • Start by sitting in the dandasana position, i.e. on the floor with your legs outstretched forward and your back strong.
  • Bend your left leg so that its heel touches your right hip. (See the first image in the article.)
  • Try stretching your arms behind your back and squeezing them together  while bending your elbows in opposite directions.
  • Inhale and hold your breath for a few seconds.
  • Slowly release the air.
  • Repeat using the opposite leg.

3. Spinal rotation

spinal rotation

One of the easiest yoga postures for neck pain is  bharadvajasana,  or spinal rotation. While it is easier than the two previous positions, it helps strengthen the neck.

How is it done?

  • Sit on the floor or in a chair.
  • Put your right hand behind your back and your left hand over your right knee.
  • Take a deep breath while turning your spine to the right.
  • Return to the starting position and turn in the opposite direction.

Have you tried some of these yoga postures at home? While you can always use them for neck tension, it’s best to practice them at regular intervals. You can make a few minutes to start each movement in the first hour of the morning or during the work day. 

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