Don’t Eat These Six Foods In The Evening

If you eat these seven foods in the evening, it can interfere with your sleep or worse, cause reflux or other digestive problems.
Don’t eat these six foods in the evening

Dinner is one of the main meals of the day and therefore it is not good to miss or replace it with unhealthy food. It is true that dinner should be lighter than other meals, but it plays an important role during the rest of the body. Do you know what food to eat in the evening and late at night?

The quality of the nutrients obtained from dinner has a major impact on sleep, digestion, and the quality of physical and mental energy the next day.

Many people do not know how to choose the right foods, which is problematic. As a result, the body is stressed, which can cause negative effects.

What food is not worth eating in the evening?

what food in the evening should not be eaten

It may seem acceptable to eat anything to satisfy the feeling of hunger before going to bed. But food can have different consequences for metabolism and digestion.

How can this be avoided? Avoid eating this kind of food in the evening.

1. Pasta

This is not to say that pasta should not be eaten at all. It provides important carbohydrates and is well suited for active days. Pasta can be well enjoyed for lunch.

  • Eating pasta in the evening can bring you an uncomfortable and heavy feeling, which is detrimental to a good night’s sleep. At the same time, due to its high caloric intake, it affects metabolism and weight.

2. Ice cream

Eating ice cream for dinner or supper is not a good idea. The ice cream is delicious and caresses the taste buds, but it is full of saturated fats, sugar and other added substances that cause weight gain and affect night sleep.

  • Ingestion of ice cream affects digestion. Air enters the stomach, it swells and it affects the nervous system.
  • Rest is disrupted because it can become reflux and sugar raises glucose levels.

3. Cheese

various cheeses

Cheeses and foods containing cheese should be avoided at bedtime. They are not dangerous, but they cause heaviness and difficulty sleeping.

  • Cheese contains tyramine, an amino acid that reduces the production of a sleep-regulating hormone.
  • It is difficult for the body to digest the fats in cheese and they cause an inflammatory condition in the stomach.

4. Spices

The spices and salsa are tasty and give a special addition to the dishes. Although normally their eating is not bad, but it is better to eat them with meals other than dinner.

  • Spices irritate the abdominal mucous membranes and increase the possibility of reflux as well as indigestion.
  • When ingested before going to bed, spices can cause reflux, a burning sensation and abdominal pain.

5. Cauliflower

Avoid this food in the evening: cauliflower

This crunchy vegetable is healthy and low in calories. It is a good quality vegetable, but we do not recommend consuming it in the evening as it causes flatulence.

  • Melting food becomes difficult when cauliflower is eaten at dinner, or just before bedtime. This is due to the high amount of fat and calories. It is, however, recommended to improve cognitive and emotional health.
  • Cauliflower contains properties that refresh the nervous system and keep the brain active.
  • It may cause difficulty sleeping and insomnia.

Red meat and processed meat

avoid processed meat in the evening

Consumption of red meat and processed meat should be limited, regardless of what time of day you eat them. They have good nutrients, but they are also high in saturated fats and added chemicals, which makes them not a healthy choice.

  • Eating meat shortly before going to bed is a mistake. Digestion of proteins takes a long time and can therefore cause sleep problems.
  • High calories slow down metabolism and increase overweight.

To avoid digestive problems and difficulty sleeping, we recommend eating only light, low-calorie meals in the evening. A balanced and healthy diet is the key to well-being!

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