The Effect Of Air Conditioning On Health

While air conditioning may seem like a hot summer rescue, it can have detrimental effects on health.
Impact of air conditioning on health

Today, air conditioning can be found in offices, cars and even people’s homes in warm countries. However, this can have detrimental consequences. In this article, we look at the impact of air conditioning on health.

In addition to the typical sore throat and runny nose, air conditioning adversely affects well-being in other ways. This is mainly because it is not good to be in an overly dry environment. Air conditioning must therefore be used responsibly so that it can still be used in the summer heat.

Impact of air conditioning on health

Next, we look at the six biggest effects that air conditioning has on health.

1. Respiratory problems

Any large change in temperature will adversely affect the respiratory system. Moving from warm air to the coolness of an office or grocery store can cause big problems.

Due to air circulation, it can also predispose to respiratory infections. It can cause pharyngitis, for example.

In fact, it has been shown that people living in air-conditioned environments are at higher risk of developing throat and nose symptoms. As a result, they are at higher risk of developing, for example, runny nose.

2. Viral infections

Air conditioning exposes you to viral infections

One very common effect of air conditioning on health is the spread of viral infections as a result of a weakened immune system.

In a ventilated environment, old air circulates constantly, preventing fresh air from entering. This old air can transmit runny nose and flu viruses as well as other buttocks from one person to another.

In a ventilated environment, there is a higher risk of getting a viral infection than in a non-ventilated room.

3. Nestevaje

People who stay in long-term air-conditioned environments are naturally more prone to dehydration. Because air conditioning absorbs too much moisture from the air and people often do not drink enough water, they easily develop a dehydration.

This is possible even in cooler temperatures, as the body does not feel hot and does not cause thirst so easily. In addition, when staying in a cooler environment, the body needs to move less.

4. Headaches

Headaches are undoubtedly one of the most common effects of air conditioning on health. If air conditioning is used too much, it can easily trigger a headache or even a migraine when indoor air quality rises.

Of course, dehydration also increases the risk of headaches. Dehydration is often overlooked despite the fact that it can cause other health problems.

Air conditioning dries the eyes

Air conditioning can cause dry eyes, which in turn leads to their tenderness and itching. Of course, air conditioning does not directly dry out the eyes, but it can aggravate the condition of those already suffering from this problem.

So if you suffer from dry eyes, it is best to stay away from air-conditioned environments.

6. Reduces heat resistance

If you spend a lot of time in an air-conditioned room, the heat resistance may be reduced. This is common especially during the summer.

Keep in mind that your body can get stressed when moving from a cool office to warm summer air. This sudden change in temperature can have a detrimental effect on health.

The impact of air conditioning on health can therefore be very detrimental. It is therefore important to use it in moderation.

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