Six Health Benefits Of Pineapple Water

Pineapple water has a wealth of medicinal benefits that are worth trying. Take it into your normal diet so you can see for yourself the positive health effects!
The six health benefits of pineapple water

Pineapple is a delicious tropical fruit that has been valued for centuries because it is so versatile in cooking and nutrition.

It removes fluid, improves digestion and has anti-inflammatory properties. All these benefits are very important in the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

In addition, pineapple is high in fiber as well as plant sterols and bromelain. All of these are essential substances that promote the elimination of toxins from the body.

Pineapple is also a natural source of powerful antioxidants. These protect the cells from damage caused by free radicals in the environment.

And on top of all that, pineapple is still a low-calorie fruit that is a good addition to any diet, even if you intend to lose weight in a healthy way.

In today’s article, we want to share with you some of its great health benefits, as well as an easy home-made pineapple water recipe.

1. Strengthens the immune system

ingestion of pineapple water strengthens immunity

Pineapple water contains large amounts of vitamin C, a vital nutrient that strengthens the immune system. Drinking it on an empty stomach lowers your risk of getting viral and other viral, bacterial and fungal diseases.

2. Cleanses the liver and colon

The digestive enzymes and antioxidants contained in pineapple improve liver function, which helps avoid the problems associated with removing toxins.

These cleansing properties of pineapple make it easier to cleanse the blood. At the same time, they also increase the oxygen uptake of the cells and stimulate the removal of waste products.

Finally, pineapple also acts as a mild laxative. This improves bowel function and prevents constipation.

3. Good for the thyroid gland


Pineapple water contains iodine and other essential trace elements that support the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Thus, its regular consumption reduces the risk of thyroid disease. In addition, it can also help control some of their symptoms in people who already suffer from those diseases.

Bromelain, the active ingredient in pineapple, prevents autoimmune diseases that may also be associated with poor thyroid function.

4. Suppresses inflammation

Bromelain, the digestive enzyme contained in pineapple,  has a potent anti-inflammatory effect. It really benefits the tissues and systems of the body. Taking it regularly can improve the quality of life for patients with inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or bone disease.

Pineapple is also a great way to reduce belly fat. Namely, it curbs intestinal inflammation and excessive gas formation.

5. Reduces fluid swelling

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Dehydration is a problem that can increase the risk of some chronic diseases, such as high blood pressure or rheumatoid arthritis.

Although treatment for edema requires lifestyle changes, daily pineapple water intake can speed healing. This drink has potent diuretic effects that enhance kidney function and the processes responsible for regulating tissue fluids.

6. Prevents urinary tract infections

This natural pineapple drink is also an excellent treatment for urinary tract infections.

First, it increases urine production and improves kidney function. For this reason, drinking pineapple water facilitates the elimination of pathogens that cause these inflammations.

In addition to this, pineapple has a mild alkaline effect, so it changes the habitat of microorganisms to their detriment.

Pineapple water production

pineapple water and pineapple pieces

By ingesting pineapple water regularly, you can supplement the recommended daily dose of drinking water alone to improve health and maintain fluid balance.

In fact, this is the healthiest way to drink water, as the body also gets plenty of essential nutrients from it.


  • ½ pineapple with peel
  • 1 liter of water


  • First cut the pineapple into smaller pieces without removing the peel.
  • Then put it in a pot with a liter of water and bring to a boil. Then let it simmer.
  • After five minutes, remove from the heat and leave for a few hours.
  • Strain the liquid and enjoy.
  • Do not add sugar or other sweeteners.

How to drink it

  • Drink one cup on an empty stomach in the morning  and save the rest for ingestion in small portions throughout the day.

As you can see, pineapple water has plenty of medicinal benefits that are worth trying. Take it into your normal diet and see for yourself its positive health effects!

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