6 Natural Ways To Improve Thyroid Function

There may be problems with your thyroid gland for a variety of reasons, so it is a good idea to eat certain foods to keep it in balance and also undergo regular medical check-ups. Read more about this article in this article.
6 natural ways to improve thyroid function

The thyroid gland is a relatively small, butterfly-shaped organ in front of the neck. Its main tasks include the regulation of hormonal as well as metabolic and growth processes.

The thyroid gland contains a protein called thyroglobulin. It works with iodine to stimulate hormone secretion, allowing for optimal functioning of organs, tissues and cells.

In addition, the thyroid gland is involved in protein synthesis, cellular oxygen uptake, and other important functions that keep us healthy.

However, like other organs, the thyroid gland is exposed to many different factors that can cause it to become unbalanced. Of course, this can cause problems in its operation. This not only leads to various changes in the body, but can  also cause serious diseases over time .

For this reason, you should always strive to protect your thyroid, especially by giving it the nutrients it needs to stay healthy.

Improve thyroid function naturally

Today we take the opportunity to share with you 6 good ways to improve thyroid function naturally.

1. Add iodine to your diet

iodine-containing foods improve thyroid function

Iodine deficiency is the most common cause of hypothyroidism, i.e., a lack of thyroid hormones.

The body is unable to produce it itself. For this reason, it is important to make sure you get enough of the food you eat.

Here are some iodine-containing foods:

  • Eggs
  • Seafood
  • Fatty fish
  • Cheese
  • Table salt

Table salt should be consumed in moderation. Namely, eating too much can cause problems.

2. Increase the amount of selenium

Selenium is one of the most important trace elements that can have a positive effect in the treatment of thyroid problems.

It controls stress and helps eliminate toxins. In addition, it helps regulate the action of hormones.

Selenium is made up of proteins that help regulate metabolic functions and the mechanisms responsible for converting food into energy.

Some natural sources of selenium include:

  • Nuts
  • Flax and sunflower seeds
  • Eggs
  • Yogurt
  • Mushrooms

3. Eat more zinc

zinc-containing foods

Low levels of zinc have been linked to the onset of two of the most common thyroid problemshypothyroidism and hyperactivity.

Thyroid imbalance, whether due to excessive or too low hormone production, triggers a series of negative reactions throughout the body.

This important trace element is found naturally in many foods. However, it can also be obtained as a supplement.

The main sources of zinc are:

  • Lean beef
  • Oysters
  • Pork
  • Chicken
  • Spinach
  • Seeds and nuts
  • Dark chocolate
  • Walnuts

4. Remember magnesium

One very important substance for good thyroid function is magnesium. It is a trace element that is not easily absorbed and has its own function in many systems of the body.

Your body needs it to convert iodine into thyroid hormones. For this reason, eating magnesium is a key factor in avoiding all kinds of complications.

Magnesium is obtained from magnesium oil. It is also found in foods such as:

  • Sweet corn
  • Avocados
  • Bananas
  • Spinach
  • Raisins

5. Use coconut oil

coconut oil

One or two tablespoons of coconut oil daily can help improve thyroid function. Namely, the medium fatty acids in coconut oil support the metabolism.

Rich in vitamins, trace elements and antioxidants, coconut is the perfect food to prevent the effects of an unbalanced thyroid gland.

Although further research is needed to ensure the health effects of coconut oil, some experts advise adding it to your diet alongside thyroid treatments.

6. Avoid stress

Finally, continuous exposure to stress contributes significantly to thyroid dysfunction.

Stress seems to affect only the mood at first. Over time, however, it triggers a chain of chemical reactions that affect health. This is because it increases cortisol production. It is a substance that blocks thyroid hormones from entering cells.

Are you worried about the health of your thyroid? Incorporate these habits into your life. Also, be sure to have regular medical checkups for more detailed examinations.

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