7 Natural Diuretics To Add To Your Diet

Diuretics help the body remove sodium as well as excess fluid, which can lead to fluid swelling. Taking diuretics is a great way to cleanse your body and stay healthy and vibrant. Learn more about natural diuretics in this article.
7 natural diuretics that should be added to your diet

Diuretics help you remove excess fluids from your body as they stimulate the kidneys to excrete more sodium in their urine. The effect of diuretics on sodium forces the body to remove water. Next, we present seven natural diuretics that are good for your health!

Try a natural diuretic to help remove fluid

Often, fluid retention is a sign of a health problem, such as hypothyroidism, high blood pressure, cirrhosis, kidney stones or kidney failure, polycystic ovary disease, or diabetes.

Below are the 7 natural diuretic, which are suitable as part of your daily diet and help your body eliminate toxins and fluids.

1. Dandelion

dandelion is a natural diuretic

Dandelions grow wild in nature, especially in spring. Dandelions are a familiar sight in backyards and along roadsides, and many view dandelion as an annoying weed.

However, studies have shown that dandelion contains beneficial compounds that increase kidney function and urinary excretion. The leaves, stems and roots of dandelion are suitable as diuretics and can be used to make tea drinks and powders.

In addition to dehydrating, dandelion helps balance blood sugar and enhances liver and intestinal cleansing.

2. Hawthorn

Hawthorn is a great dehydrator that prevents swelling and the symptoms that come with it. In addition to this, the nutrients contained in hawthorn help increase urinary excretion. Hawthorn berries, on the other hand, are rich in vitamins C and B, as well as minerals that are beneficial to health. In addition to the diuretic effect, hawthorn can be used:

  • For the treatment of kidney problems
  • To improve heart rate
  • For the treatment of fever

3. Korte

An experiment carried out in 2014 found that the extract from the field card had a completely similar effect on the body as diuretics and did not cause nearly as many side effects.

Field card is a good alternative to traditional medicines, especially if you are sensitive to the side effects of the medicines. However, the effect of the card may be so strong that it is not recommended for pregnant women.

If you suffer from symptoms caused by uric acid and fluid retention, horsetail may be a particularly effective treatment option for you. The same is true for people with gout.

4. Juniper

Juniper has been used as a natural diuretic since the Middle Ages. Juniper is still relatively little studied, but it is known to increase urinary excretion in animals.

Like many natural diuretics, juniper also lowers the amount of potassium in the body. Juniper berries are especially recommended for those suffering from urinary tract inflammation, as it helps to increase urinary excretion and the removal of bacteria from the bladder with urine.

5. Green and black tea

Green tea is a natural diuretic

Whenever you enjoy a cup of delicious tea, you will inadvertently accelerate the elimination of fluids from your body. This is because both green and black tea have been shown to act as natural diuretics.

The caffeine in drinks helps the body increase urine output, which reduces the amount of fluid in the body and eliminates the swelling. At the same time, blood pressure drops. So enjoy tea without hindrance!

6. Parsley

Parsley is a familiar herb used in cooking. Parsley may also be suitable for diuretic purposes and is a good option especially for people who cannot tolerate the side effects of diuretic medications.

Studies have shown that parsley is one of the most effective diuretics that helps increase urine output and fluid elimination. You can easily prepare a caring diuretic drink from parsley:


  • 1 handful of parsley
  • 1 glass of water


  • Boil a handful of parsley in hot water for 10 minutes. Allow the drink to cool, strain and store the drink in the refrigerator.
  • Enjoy a cup of drink once a day for a week for best results.

7. Hibiscus

Hibiscus is a plant belonging to the mallow plant that produces large and colorful flowers in many different colors.

Hibiscus tea is a natural diuretic

Many studies have shown that ingestion of hibiscus accelerates kidney function, reduces swelling, and prevents fluid retention. Hibiscus is usually available in a dried form from which a therapeutic diuretic beverage can be prepared.

Tips to increase the effect of these natural diuretics

In addition to these natural diuretics, you can improve the health and balance of your body by reducing the amount of salt you consume and exercising, this keeps your fluid balance ideal. Enjoy more fruits and vegetables and be sure to drink enough water.

In addition to diuretics, enjoy the following foods:

  • Watermelon
  • Grape
  • Berries
  • Celery
  • Asparagus
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Paprika

If you suffer from pre-existing conditions and are taking medication for them, it is important that you do not go on your own to change your medication or replace your medication with natural diuretics. Discuss the changes with your doctor, otherwise you may put your health at risk. These diuretics should only be used after your doctor’s approval.

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