Remove Skin Impurities Naturally

Remove skin impurities naturally

Skin impurities are an annoying but common problem. Especially oily skin generates impurities when the skin pore becomes clogged with excess sebum and dirt and becomes inflamed, causing acne or blackheads. In this article, we present the best natural ways to eliminate and fade contaminants. Keep reading!

Mother Nature has donated many different ways of skin care to us. If you are interested in natural cosmetics and homemade treatments, this is a good time to start. Natural treatments are gentle and especially suitable for allergy-prone and sensitive skin, as they contain very few irritating ingredients and chemicals.

If you dream of clean and golden skin, you can easily get it with a few homemade ingredients. Kitchen cornerstones such as yogurt, honey and olive oil are great for cleansing and soothing the skin, they don’t cost much and are readily available from every supermarket. Start natural skin care today!

The following ingredients cleanse the skin of dirt and sebum, allow the skin to breathe, exfoliate and renew skin cells. The result is clean, dull and clear skin.

Remove skin impurities naturally

Unflavored yogurt

unflavoured yogurt is suitable for the skin

Any type of unflavoured yogurt is suitable for this: Greek, Turkish or softer running yoghurt, as long as it is unflavoured and made from cow’s milk. Yogurt prevents the formation of pimples and soothes existing impurities. You can rub a drop of yogurt directly on the pimple or use a larger amount as a face mask every night (let it work for half an hour).

The mask is easily created from three tablespoons of yogurt. Mix in a couple of drops of running honey, mix thoroughly and apply on freshly washed, clean face. Be sure to remove all makeup before applying the mask. Allow to soak for half an hour and rinse off with cold water. Finish the treatment with toner and moisturizer.

Olive oil

Swim the cotton swab in the olive oil and rub lightly to the point where there are impurities. With olive oil, you can easily remove water-resistant eye makeup and cleanse your face without irritating chemicals. Be sure to finish the treatment with toner, as olive oil will leave the skin oily.


Crush half the tomato evenly and spread on face with a cotton swab. Allow to soak for 15 minutes and wash off with cold water. Tomato contains vitamin A, which helps the skin to regenerate.


The tart lime is perfect for cleansing the skin. Mix a tablespoon of lime juice with the same amount of apple cider vinegar and pour in another tablespoon of water. Apple cider vinegar soothes the skin’s pH balance, while lime gently exfoliates the skin and cleanses the pores. Swim the cotton swab in the mixture and go through your face with a light pat.

Aloe Vera

You can either use fresh aloe vera or buy alo gel from the store. Apply the gel to the areas where there are impurities and allow to soak for 20 minutes. Repeat every day until the condition of the skin improves. Aloe vera is commonly known to cleanse the skin and soften scars caused by acne, for example. 

Powdered milk

milk powder fades skin impurities

Milk powder helps brighten the face. If you suffer from acne discoloration and dark spots, try this treatment. In a small bowl, mix two tablespoons of milk powder, add 3 drops of distilled water and two drops of glycerin. Apply on face once a day.


Old good chamomile is one of the basic ingredients of natural beauty care. Boil water and add a bag of chamomile tea, let stand for a while and then swim the cotton swab in the cooled mixture. Rub on face.


The raw potato is great for repelling contaminants. Slice the potato and Arrange the slices directly where the impurities are present. Leave on for 10 minutes, remove and rinse face.


Honey is suitable for moisturizing and soothing the skin. Honey also has a disinfectant effect, which is suitable for the treatment of impurities. Apply running honey on the face as a mask, allow to soak for 20 minutes and rinse off. Finish with toner. If you are allergic to honey, skip this treatment.


Vitamin C helps remove skin impurities

Orange is rich in vitamin C, which is good for the skin. Vitamin C helps remove skin impurities. Wash and peel the orange, cut off a piece of peel and let it dry in the sun outdoors or on a kitchen table. You can use it to remove the shell from the shell peelers.

Grind completely dried crust, you need it two tablespoons. Put in a small bowl and mix in 2 tablespoons of milk and 5 drops of glycerin. Stir evenly and apply on face as a mask in the evening. Rinse face thoroughly after treatment.


Oats are suitable for the gentle exfoliation of the skin, it also soothes the skin and prevents the formation of new impurities. You will need desi oatmeal (use small and soft flakes), mix in the same amount of lime juice and stir until you get a nice smooth mask. Apply thoroughly on cleansed face and allow mask to soak for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.


Wash your face and remove makeup. Pour 85 grams of rice into a saucepan, cover with about 2 cents of water, let stand for about 10 minutes. Swim in the water with a cotton swab and rub on the neck and face. Rice soothes the skin and removes dirt.

vitamin C

You can use vitamin C serum for skin care, which helps to remove impurities and regenerate the skin.


Here are a few tricks to avoid skin impurities and discoloration in the future:

  • Avoid excessive exposure to sunlight.
  • Always wear sunscreen, a hat and breathable clothing that keeps your skin hidden from the sun’s rays.
  • Find the right treatments for your skin type and keep experimenting until both your skin and you are happy.
  • Clean your face thoroughly every morning and evening.

Remember that the above masks and treatments should be performed regularly and continuously every day for best results. I hope you got new ideas for skin care from this article!

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