Treatment Of Yeast Inflammation At Home

Because the vaginal fungus needs a warm, humid environment to spread, wearing loose clothing can increase ventilation in the area and prevent it from multiplying. Learn more about the treatment and prevention of yeast infection in this article.
Treatment of yeast infection with home remedies

Many women get vaginal yeast infection at some point in their lives. It is also known as vaginitis. The most common symptoms of yeast infection are a burning sensation and pain, as well as a foul-smelling vaginal discharge.

In most cases, yeast infection is caused by a fungus that multiplies rapidly in a woman’s genitals in a warm and humid environment.

There are numerous different natural treatments that can relieve the symptoms of vaginal yeast infection.


Foods containing probiotics are more useful than antibiotics in treating vaginal yeast infection.

These foods contain microorganisms that are already active in your gut and can alter the bacterial population in your gut with very beneficial effects.

If you make it a habit to take probiotics as a supplement or eat foods that contain them, it can help restore your stomach’s natural bacterial population, which helps treat yeast infections.

The benefits of apple cider vinegar

treatment of yeast infection with apple cider vinegar

Here you can take advantage of the properties of apple cider vinegar in the form of a vaginal rinse.


  • 3 tablespoons organic wine vinegar
  • 6 tablespoons of water

What should you do?

  • Combine apple cider vinegar with water and rinse the vaginal area with liquid.

Organic garlic

Eating several fresh garlic cloves a day is an excellent treatment for vaginal fungus. It can make breathing bad-smelling, but it is a very effective treatment for candidiasis.

This is because garlic contains fungicidal properties that help prevent this type of inflammation.

Garlic is also an antibacterial and a well-known natural antibiotic.

Oregano oil

etheric oil


Oregano oil is also a good treatment for vaginal yeast infection. To get the most out of it, it is important to choose an herb as organic.

What should you do?

  • Although oregano oil can be found in various preparations in the store, capsules are probably one of the most pleasant ways to enjoy it.
  • Take two to three doses daily, after meals.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is a very effective and natural fungicide.

What should you do?

  • Put a few drops of tea tree oil in a tampon and place the tampon in your vagina for four hours.
  • Repeat this in the morning and afternoon, for two or three days.
  • Do not leave the tampon in your vagina overnight.

Healing effects of cranberries

cranberry juice

These little red berries have great healing effects. Not only are they useful in treating bladder infections, but they can also help treat vaginal fungus.

In addition to being a good drink for a woman’s reproductive organs, natural cranberry juice can help restore a healthy vaginal pH balance.

This will help fight fungal problems.

Unflavored yogurt

Unflavoured, natural yogurt is another great way to restore the vagina’s natural bacterial population and pH balance.

What should you do?

  • You can use this locally. Just put a little unflavoured yogurt in your vagina and let it work for several hours before washing and rinsing it off.
  • You can also dip the tampon in yogurt and place it in the vagina for two hours.

Wear loose clothing

tight pants

While this may seem like the basics, wearing loose clothing is one of the best treatments for vaginal yeast infection.

Among other reasons, it works because the fungus spreads better in warm and humid environments. Wearing loose clothing and panties lets oxygen into the area, thus slowing fungal growth.

Avoid irritating products in intimate areas

Certain soaps and other cosmetic products can irritate a woman’s very sensitive intimate area.

Many of them are made from alcohol and other toxic active ingredients that change the pH of the vagina and make it more prone to inflammation.

Effects of stress


Some people have an inherently high amount of this bacterium in their body, although a healthy body is a barrier to fungal growth.

If there is inflammation in the body, the whole body can go into imbalance. A stressful lifestyle can lead to excessive bacterial counts due to a weakened immune system.

It is important to give time for rest and recovery, especially after going through stressful times. Meditation, yoga, regular exercise and massages are all good ways to manage stress.

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