7 Recommendations For Caring For Aging Hands

Rubbing creams on the skin and using sunscreen are essential for the care of the skin of aging hands and to prevent premature aging.
7 recommendations for caring for aging hands

The hands should be one of the body parts that are among the first to be taken care of. Caring for aging hands is important as they are constantly put to the test. The effects of aging and certain ongoing activities are quickly seen and felt in the skin and joints of the hands .

There are many ways to take care of your hands. Some cosmetic treatments are very effective and the methods and prices used in them vary.

Today we want to share a list of some of the great treatments offered by the cosmetics industry. We’ll also show you some tips or habits you can incorporate into your daily beauty routine – you’ll discover how these tips make it easier to care for aging hands!

Cosmetic treatment of aging hands

A good option is to ask your dermatologist or other specialist for advice on hand skin care. Based on the tests done by an expert, you can find out which treatment is best for you, depending on your skin type and health.

treatment of aging hands with ointment


This treatment is usually used on dry hands whose grooves are clearly visible and require proper hydration. Such treatment is usually needed by people with osteoarthritis. Treating older hands with mesotherapy brings good results.

  • Mesotherapy uses homeopathic medicines with chemical compounds and vitamins. They revitalize skin tissue and moisturize it deeply.
  • The treatment stimulates collagen production so that the skin begins to look brighter and its elasticity is restored.

Chemical peels

caring for aging hands with a face mask

In this treatment, the hands are peeled off with special chemicals. Exfoliations are made on skin with spots and wrinkles, for example. Over time, the softness and youthfulness of the skin is restored.


This treatment is given especially to thinned skin of the hands, through which the veins are well visible.

  • Fillers are applied under local or general anesthesia by injecting hyaluronic acid or polylactic acid into the hands.
  • The results obtained with this method are incredibly good, as the thickness of the skin is greatly restored.

Other recommendations for caring for aging hands

The following recommendations are good habits that you should incorporate into your daily skin care routines. They are quite simple and require only a little perseverance.

Massage before going to bed

Treating aging hands with a massage is recommended because as we sleep, the body goes into a state of relaxation where cells regenerate and absorb nutrients. We recommend massaging the skin with creams containing natural oils, for example, so that they are well absorbed.

  • Rub your hands with gentle rotating movements.

Protect your hands

prevent hand aging by using sunscreen

Ambient temperature is one of the factors that most affects the condition of the hands. Make it a habit to protect your hands by applying a moisturizer in both cold and warm weather. It is very important to use sunscreen before going out and exposing to the sun.

Use good soap and do not wash your hands too much

Hand washing is a daily thing, so it is essential to use the right kind of soap according to the condition of the skin of your hands. It is important to use soaps that contain natural ingredients such as flower oils, aloe vera, honey, shea butter or oats.

Although hand washing is essential for good hygiene, avoid washing them too much. Just like changes in the weather, excessive hand washing can weaken the skin of the hands and make it rougher.

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