How To Raise Awareness About Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is one of the most common causes of vision loss worldwide. However, early diagnosis of glaucoma can improve the prognosis of the disease. Today’s article discusses glaucoma and also mentions some ways in which people can increase their awareness of the disease.
How to raise awareness about glaucoma?

There are organizations all over the world whose mission is to raise awareness of glaucoma and reduce the impact of glaucoma on the population. This is because the disease results in poor depletion of the aqueous substance, which increases the amount of fluid in the eye and, as a result, increases the intraocular pressure.

Globally, the impact of this disease on human health is enormous, as it is the fourth leading cause of vision loss and affects more than 8 million people. Fortunately, however, about 90% of the problems caused by the disease can be corrected as long as glaucoma is detected early.

World Glaucoma Week

The purpose of this event is to raise awareness about glaucoma and its harmful effects. In addition, the event encourages the population to check their vision with periodic tests. As awareness and testing increase, the chance of diagnosing glaucoma at an early stage increases.

What are your goals for this week?

The goals of World Glaucoma Week come out in the slogan: “focus on glaucoma” and another goal is to target this message to different areas. However, the most important objectives are:

  • Provides information on the risks of glaucoma.
  • Raise awareness of the importance of regular testing.
  • Provides information on risk groups that should pay special attention to this disease.
  • Finally, to make people aware of the need for timely care.
Glaucoma and eye examination.
Early diagnosis of glaucoma greatly improves prognosis and adequate treatment prevents blindness.


The number of events is constantly growing. Fairs are one of the most important factors and have the greatest impact on the population. Here, experts can talk about possible advances in the treatment of glaucoma. They also run campaigns on social networks and various media to reach relevant information to the widest possible audience.

It is important to mention that there are free testing days for early detection of glaucoma in different countries. This strategy gathers attention for action.

Risk groups

Diagnosis at the earliest possible stage is always an advantage so that the number of glaucoma cases does not reach critical levels. In addition, understanding risk groups allows for differentiated and effective monitoring.

The following are the criteria for a person to be at risk for glaucoma:

  • Diseases of diabetes
  • Over 60 years old
  • Myopia (myopia)
  • Close relatives with glaucoma
  • Of African origin
  • Farsightedness

Importance of early diagnosis

After World Glaucoma Week, experts have begun recommending an eye test every two years. The significance of early diagnosis is that even if it is not possible to restore lost vision, treatments can still slow the progression of the disease.

Most cases of glaucoma detected in a timely manner do not impair a person’s quality of life. In addition, early diagnosis gives the doctor more time to decide on the best possible treatment method.

Professionals recommend that eye health monitoring be continued after the age of 40, whether or not you belong to these risk groups.

Available treatments

Treatments depend on the patient, and doctors may prescribe drops, laser surgery, or use filtration techniques. Below you will find the treatment methods used to treat glaucoma:

  • Various eye drops such as prostaglandins, beta blockers, alpha-adrenergic agonists, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, rho kinase inhibitors, both miotic and cholinergic compounds.
  • Oral medication to reduce intraocular pressure, but only if necessary.
  • The surgery includes a trabeculectomy (opening the pathway to aqueous humor to relieve intraocular pressure) and a minimally invasive glaucoma surgery, also known as MIGS.
  • Laser treatment, selective laser trabeculoplasty used to open glaucoma.

Life with glaucoma

Glaucoma and life.
Despite glaucoma, a person can live a good quality of life, even if an early diagnosis raises the prognosis for treating the disease. A person with glaucoma must strive to make small changes as the disease progresses.

The patient’s adjustment phase begins after the diagnosis of glaucoma and the choice of treatments. World Glaucoma Week aims to provide a lot of support to those who are in this phase of adjustment.

Physician appointments can be arranged weekly or monthly depending on intraocular pressure. Therefore, communication and trust with the doctor are important factors in living with glaucoma because it facilitates timely adjustment.

In addition, you should monitor all the medicines you have taken or are taking today, as well as the reactions you have received from each of them. Whether or not your doctor has received all of your information. As you can see, there is no harm in patient involvement in this situation.

Here are other general tips:

  • Maintain proper eye hygiene
  • Do not rub your eyes even if you feel discomfort with the medication
  • Wear sunglasses
  • Reduce stress and emphasize emotional stability in situations of immediate blindness
  • Actively communicate with your environment
  • Maintain a normal life (except for activities that can damage eye health)

World Glaucoma Week raises awareness and encourages listening

This event is just a reminder of the importance of vision, the importance of treating it, and the early detection of problems. The general recommendation is to perform an eye test every 1-2 years to ensure optic nerve health.

Finally, if you have been diagnosed with glaucoma, add ways to protect your vision in your daily routine. Don’t forget glaucoma!

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