How To Grow Blueberries At Home

Blueberries are not only good for pies, but they are also good for your health. In this article, we will tell you how to grow blueberries at home.
How to grow blueberries at home

The bluish color of blueberries is almost as appealing as their delicious taste. This berry grows in the forest, of course, but also in the backyard in a medium-sized shrub. If you want your own blueberry bush, keep reading! We will show you how to grow blueberries at home easily.

This berry grows in varieties belonging to the genus Vaccinium . Because of its taste, blueberry is one of the most popular berries, which is why it is also the most used ingredient in many recipes.

In addition, it also has numerous health effects.

Blueberry properties

blueberries and leaves in a cup

Blueberries are very nutritious berries. They are especially good because of the vitamin C, fiber, potassium, iron and calcium they contain. Blueberries are also well known for the antioxidants they contain.

Blueberries have the following health benefits:

  • Their antioxidants, anthocyanins and carotenoids help strengthen bones and teeth, as well as red blood cell production and iron absorption.  They also neutralize harmful agents.
  • In addition, the potassium they contain enhances the function of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Blueberry fibers help regulate intestinal flora.
  • Vitamins boost the immune system, which means that this berry can help you avoid the risk of disease. In addition, their antiseptics help fight infections.
  • Because pregnant women need to get as many vitamins as possible, blueberries are especially recommended during pregnancy.

How to grow blueberries at home

For the reasons mentioned above, growing blueberries at home is very beneficial. What steps, then, are involved in growing them, and what must be taken into account?

Here are some guidelines that can help you.

Plant pot

The type and size of the pot depends on how you start the growing process. If you start with seeds, you only need a small container. If, on the other hand, you start with seedlings, you need to use a small flower pot.

As your shrub grows, you will need a larger pot or alternatively you can plant the plant in the ground. After three or four years, your seedling will need about 60 to 70 liters of flower pots.


Blueberry shrubs grow best in acidic soils, preferably with a pH of 4.5.

To make your soil more acidic, you can use manure, sulfur or peat as a supplement. Cotton seeds and pine needles are also a good way to make the soil more acidic.

Steps in growing a blueberry bush

  • First, place a thick paper napkin in a small container and add a little water. Then put some seeds in the bowl.
  • Pick up the seeds one by one and plant them in the soil. Then cover the seeds.
  • Water the plant daily and make sure its substrate is moist at all times.
  • Place the pot in a well-lit place where it is protected from the wind.
  • The soil must be turned so that the plant receives enough oxygen and the irrigation water dries quickly enough.
  • After planting the seeds, you can make a leaf cover from oak twigs or pine needles. It helps to avoid weeds, maintain moisture, and maintain the acidity of the medium.

Special treatment

blueberries in the bush


Try not to plant too many seeds in one pot, as blueberries need some space to grow properly. The soil should also be fairly moist when planting seeds. 

As the plant grows, you need to move it to a larger container or directly to the ground. In doing so, you need to water the roots completely so that they do not suffer during the process. We recommend swimming them in a bucket of water for about 10 minutes before replanting. When replanting is complete, water the land where you have planted the plant.

Lastly, remember that blueberries grow best in cold weather. The plant adapts well to cold, even extreme temperatures, but it suffers from heat. Therefore, it is doing well in Finland. Make sure you take good care of the plant during hot weather and don’t leave it in the sun.

As you may have already noticed, growing this plant is pretty easy. Since blueberries have many health benefits, growing them at home is a great idea… and a really fun hobby!

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