8 Bad Habits That Lead To Kidney Failure

In addition to taking your medication regularly, other common habits can be detrimental to your kidney health, such as consuming too much salt or drinking insufficient water.
8 bad habits that lead to kidney failure

The kidneys are constantly working to filter out the waste products in our bloodstream. They are able to eliminate much of the toxins from food, the environment and medicines through the urine .

They also play an important role, among other tasks, in the secretion of certain hormones, in the control of blood pressure, and in the balancing of electrolyte levels.

Just like with other body systems, the kidneys can lose their effectiveness due to certain diseases.

The problem is that we don’t pay much attention to them. Unfortunately, we have some ways that can lead to kidney failure in one way or another.

Do you know what those habits are? Try to fix them today!

1. Urinary retention

urinary retention can lead to renal failure

Some people don’t go to the bathroom when their bodies ask for it. While it may not seem like a big deal or even a necessity, it can actually affect kidney health.

  • Urinary retention for a long time raises the level of inflammation in the urinary tract and can lead to kidney disease.
  • This method puts more pressure on the bladder and can complicate the waste removal process.

2. Inadequate water intake

If you want your kidneys to function properly and also optimize the cleansing process, it is important to make sure you get enough water and healthy fluids.

  • Fluids keep the body hydrated and help collect metabolic waste that is later excreted in the urine.
  • A body suffering from dehydration can get kidney stones, inflammation and infections.

3. Smoking

smoking can lead to kidney failure

People who smoke every day are aware of the dangers posed by the toxic levels of tobacco that they can suffer from.

  • These wastes are able to enter the bloodstream, affecting not only the lungs but also the kidneys and heart.
  • The accumulation of waste complicates the process of cleaning the kidneys and thus increases their exposure to infections.

4. Wrong types of liquids

Drinking carbonated drinks, energy drinks and other commercial beverages can be the cause of many diseases associated with kidney failure.

  • These fluids contain too much sugar and too many additives that affect the metabolism and will eventually have a serious impact on kidney health.
  • Drinking them daily or in large quantities can lead to kidney stones, inflammation, and chronic kidney disease.

5. Excessive sodium consumption

excessive salt can lead to kidney failure

Sodium is not just in the table salt we use in cooking. It is also present in many of the foods we eat daily.

  • This substance, which is not harmful when used in moderation, accumulates in the body and increases the accumulation of fluid as well as the risk of kidney problems.
  • Unlimited sodium consumption, which tends to be quite common, is associated with high blood pressure as well as premature kidney failure.
  • In addition, because it lacks the balance of other minerals, it can lead to electrolyte imbalance.

6. Taking over-the-counter medications

Over-the-counter medications are helpful in treating common health problems such as back pain or headaches.

  • These medications, especially painkillers, can have side effects that can affect the kidneys.
  • The body’s metabolism needs to process their chemical ingredients. If we use them irresponsibly, they can have serious effects on the kidneys and liver.
  • Excessive use of drugs such as aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen is associated with kidney damage.

7. Too much protein

excessive protein can lead to kidney failure

Proteins are recommended in the diet because they play a significant role in building muscle mass and metabolism.

While they are necessary, however, we should not over-eat them, especially if they come from an animal source.

  • Excessive protein consumption can complicate kidney function and lead to chronic diseases.

8. Even a sedentary lifestyle can lead to kidney failure

People with a less mobile lifestyle have a higher risk of suffering from kidney disease compared to those who maintain an active lifestyle.

  • First, people with a low-mobility lifestyle often have a poor diet, which makes kidney work more difficult.
  • Lack of physical activity affects the bloodstream and as a result prevents the removal of accumulated fluid.
  • In addition, such a lifestyle increases the risk of high blood pressure and affects the health of the immune system, which in turn increases the risk of disease.

Are you worried about your kidney health? If you are used to doing any of these ways yourself, try to change them so that you do not have to suffer the consequences later.

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