7 Reasons To Cleanse The Liver

7 reasons to cleanse the liver

The liver is one of the most important organs in the body and performs vital functions every day. The function of the liver is important for the health of the whole body, as the liver is responsible for e.g. treatment and removal of toxins and waste products. The liver prevents the development of many different diseases and protects the body against pathogens. The liver has up to more than 500 different functions and in addition to cleansing, it also affects metabolism, digestive function and the functioning of the defense system.

Most of us are burdened with paying unnoticed. When the liver is loaded with a large amount of waste products, which we get e.g. through food and the environment, it slows down and is no longer able to cleanse the body in the same way – this leads to the accumulation of toxins, which in turn predisposes to disease. The importance of liver function is not always understood, and the liver does not know how to treat and cleanse properly. In this article, we will tell you seven reasons to cleanse the liver, because by  cleansing the liver you will keep your whole body in good condition.

7 reasons to cleanse the liver

Liver in the body

The liver is the body’s main cleansing mechanism, as it filters harmful substances from the bloodstream every day and removes toxins overnight. Liver cleansing keeps liver function optimal and eliminates any buildup of waste products that can cause disease.

The liver filters and processes the body’s hormones, and keeps the hormones in good balance. Hepatic impairment can lead to changes in hormonal function, which can lead to the production of too much estrogen, too little insulin, etc.

Performing liver cleansing removes toxins and waste products, reduces the negative effects of free radicals, and removes heavy metals from the body. In addition to these, there are seven good reasons to cleanse the liver:

1. A diet high in saturated and processed fats

Many foods contain saturated, low-quality fats, as well as processed carbohydrates that are stored in the body. Eating fatty foods, non-organic products of animal origin, processed meats such as cold cuts and sausages, and ready meals and canned foods have a negative effect on liver function. When the liver has to constantly process these products, it strains and slows down. The liver breaks down and absorbs food, and it is difficult for the liver to break down the foods mentioned above.

2. A diet high in carbohydrates


7 reasons to cleanse the liver: carbohydrates

Foods made from processed carbohydrates, such as white bread, pasta, sugary drinks, and sweets, can strain the liver, and the liver has to work much harder to regulate blood sugar levels. If your diet contains a lot of these ingredients, it is a good idea to cleanse the liver regularly and avoid processed carbohydrates.

3. Excessive alcohol consumption and prescription medication use

Alcohol and the popping of drugs are known to be dangerous to liver health and have a devastating effect on the liver. If you drink too much alcohol or take certain medicines regularly in the long term, you may develop liver cirrhosis or fatty liver, for example.

4. Inhalation of contaminated air

Air quality in big cities is notoriously poor, and pollution from traffic and other sources has a direct impact on human health. Most of us inhale toxic particles every day and in the long run their effects can become dangerous. First and foremost, the contaminants end up in the lungs and, through the lungs, into the liver, which is responsible for handling and removing the contaminants. Over time, the effects of contaminants can make the liver sick.

5. Insufficient rest


proper rest is needed

Many of us sleep too little during the night. The hustle and bustle of modern life, as well as the demands of work and family life, often result in the first night’s sleep being pinched when rush is at its peak, and time is not enough for everything. Many endure up to 5 hours of night sleep, especially when it comes to parents of young children.

However, lack of sleep affects the body dramatically, and the liver, for example, suffers from low levels of sleep. Sleep is important for liver function, as the liver is at its most active between one and three o’clock at night, when it performs its daily cleansing activities. That is why it is important to get enough sleep and let the liver perform its functions.

6. Too much exercise

This is often not heard, as exercise is an important part of a healthy life and the removal of toxins from the body. Too little exercise is seen as the cause of many different illnesses, but too much exercise can also be harmful.  An overdose of exercise can accelerate the action and effect of free radicals, and the liver does not have enough time to fight their harmful effects. So remember to spend at least one day off a week.

7. Nutrient deficiencies

Proper nutrition is vital for the liver. The diet should include adequate vitamins such as vitamins C, B3, B6 and E, as well as folic acid and other important nutrients. In addition, you need a lot of calcium and amino acids like taurine and glycine. If your diet is deficient in the above ingredients, it is important to change your eating habits or enjoy dietary supplements.

Here were seven good reasons to cleanse the liver; now you probably understand how important it is to take care of this body!

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