Relief From Constipation

It is important to exercise every day as exercise stimulates metabolism and digestion.
Relief for constipation

Constipation can hit anyone at any stage of life. Both children and adults can suffer from constipation. The first step in treating constipation is to find out if the symptoms are really due to constipation or some other ailment. In this article, we offer relief from constipation through natural means.

One of the most obvious symptoms of constipation is rarely defecation. If your bowel empties less than three times a week, you may suffer from constipation. Another symptom associated with constipation is pain experienced during defecation. In addition, stomach pain and swelling may occur.

 Causes of constipation

Let’s start with a quick look at what causes constipation and what factors can make it worse.

  • Little exercise. In order for our bodies to function in the best possible way, it is important to move enough. Half an hour of exercise a day is enough to boost your metabolism and facilitate bowel function.

  • Low fiber diet. Fiber is important for intestinal function. A low-fiber diet changes the composition of the stool and its movement in the gut. So focus on eating lots of whole grains and vegetables.
  • Lifestyle changes. Sometimes constipation is due to stress, urgency, or changes in rhythm, such as moving to a new home or vacationing. During your stay, you should eat what happens at irregular times, so bowel function may slow down.

Relief from constipation by these means

Here are some easy tips for treating constipation:


You will get relief from constipation when you exercise enough.


The body needs exercise to strengthen muscles and support organs, regulate mood and enhance the normal functioning of the body. Walk for at least half an hour a day and practice your favorite sport at least a few times a week. We especially recommend sports that raise your heart rate and make you sweat.

Don’t hold back

Sometimes constipation is caused by prolonging your visit to the toilet. So don’t wait, just go to the bathroom as soon as you feel like it. Prolonged detention can lead to constipation.

Avoid processed foods

Processed foods can cause constipation.


Avoid cold cuts, french fries, hamburgers, pizza and other fatty and heavy fast foods. These foods taste good, but sadly, they irritate the intestines with their high fat content. Excessive massaging can lead to a disgusting feeling of tension and swelling, and a visit to the toilet does not naturalize.

Avoid cheese

Dairy products such as ice cream, cheese and milk contain a protein called casein, which can irritate the gut and worsen constipation.

Do not try any laxatives

Pharmacies can be found if any medication for constipation without a prescription, but we recommend that you visit your doctor before using constipation medications . Your doctor will be able to prescribe the right medicine for you and give you more information on how to use it properly. Not everyone has the same symptoms of constipation and its severity varies – so it’s a good idea to talk to a professional.

Eat lots of fruit

The fibers in the fruit make it easier for feces to move in the gut.


Most fruits bring relief from constipation. The fruit contains a lot of water and fiber, which moisturizes the intestine and helps the feces move in the intestine. Eat the fruit with its peel (whenever possible), as it is the fruit peel that hides the beneficial fibers.

  • For example, papaya contains a lot of enzymes that are useful for digestion. Enjoy whole papaya a day and you will notice how positive it has on intestinal function.
  • Orange juice is also suitable for the immediate treatment of constipation. Enjoy a glass of orange juice every day on an empty stomach.

Apple cider vinegar

This mixture works like a natural laxative. Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a small drop of honey and water. Enjoy a drink once a week, not its more often.

Nuts and dried fruits

Nuts contain fiber that is good for the gut.


Just like fresh fruits, dried fruits have a lot of intestinal tender fiber. In particular, try prunes, apricots, berries and raisins to treat constipation. Also eat nuts such as almonds, peanuts, pecans or walnuts.

Olive oil

You can get relief from constipation by adding olive oil to your diet. Olive oil is suitable for daily use and is one of the healthiest cooking oils. Mix a cup of hot water with the mood of lemon juice and a tablespoon of olive oil, enjoy on an empty stomach. Olive oil improves intestinal function and even helps to lose weight.


Beans contain important minerals.


The body needs enough fiber to maintain intestinal function. Beans are high in fiber and also high in protein, vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, copper, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and calcium. So add beans to your diet as soon as possible and enjoy them as a side dish, in casseroles or sprinkled on a salad.


By eating an apple a day, you take care of the regular functioning of the intestines. Apple peels contain a lot of healthy antioxidants and fiber that cleanses the body. We recommend eating an apple as often as possible, either as a snack or even with yogurt for breakfast.

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