Five Tips To Improve Liver And Gallbladder Function

When you enjoy dandelion tea after dinner, you help your digestion work more efficiently, improve liver function, and prevent headaches and inflammation.
Five tips to improve liver and gallbladder function

The liver and gallbladder work together and share many functions in the body.  Both organs are located on the right side of the upper body, under the ribs, and are connected to each other through the bile ducts. In this article, we give five tips for improving liver and gallbladder function.

The liver is definitely one of the most important organs in the body: 
it removes toxins, produces hormones and enzymes, maintains glycogen stores, and regulates iron, copper, and vitamin A. The liver keeps us healthy because it destroys viruses and bacteria by producing Kupffer cells similar to white blood cells.

The gallbladder, in turn, stores bile secreted by the liver. Bile fluid speeds up digestion and food processing, and helps the body absorb and utilize nutrients more efficiently.

Improve liver and gallbladder function

Healthy lifestyles and healthy eating take care of liver and gallbladder function. When they stay healthy, they also work effectively.

In this article, we will tell you five ways to improve liver and gallbladder function. These are worth keeping in mind!

1. Ingredients ingested on an empty stomach

apple cider vinegar to improve liver and gallbladder function

Below you will find three great ways to start your morning healthy. In the wake of the night, your stomach is empty and what you put in your mouth first affects much of the day. By ingesting these ingredients, you cleanse your body, remove toxins, and keep your body’s pH balance ideal, helping your liver and gallbladder function more efficiently.

Try these:

Glass of warm water and lemon

Be sure to enjoy room temperature water as this will facilitate stomach function and remove toxins more effectively. Add half a lemon juice to a glass of warm water and drink it on an empty stomach before breakfast.

You can enjoy the drink for four consecutive days,  and combine it with the other treatments presented in this article.

A tablespoon of olive oil and a couple of drops of lemon juice

The combination of olive oil and lemon enhances bile secretion and provides the liver with important enzymes, as well as vitamin C.

A glass of organic apple juice

Apples contain malic acid. This important mineral is great for cleansing the liver. To get an effective cleansing aid from your apple, drink a glass of organic, freshly squeezed apple juice on an empty stomach two consecutive days a week. Do not buy juice concentrates or products containing additives and sugar. Squeeze the juice yourself if you have a juicer. Allow the juice to soak for half an hour before breakfast.

2. Grapefruit, garlic and ginger

The combination of these flavors may sound intense, but in reality the drink is delicious and refreshing. Garlic and ginger soothe inflammation and, along with grapefruit vitamin C, they effectively cleanse the liver and gallbladder.

Follow this recipe to make a drink:


  • 1 whole grapefruit
  • 5 g grated fresh ginger
  • 1 clove of garlic crushed
  • a little water
  • 1 tablespoon honey, about 25 g


  • First of all, you should grate the ginger finely. You can peel ginger or use it with peel, be sure to wash before grating. Then mix it with the crushed garlic.
  • Juice grapefruit.
  • Add all the ingredients to the blender: grapefruit juice, honey, garlic and ginger. Stir into a smooth drink, add water to your liking to make it more fluid. Let the drink stand for 15 minutes.
  • Enjoy twice a week before going to bed.
  • Remember that the liver performs most of its cleansing activities during the night using the lymphatic system. This easy drink helps optimize cleansing.

3. Try dandelion tea

Dandelion may sound like an exotic ingredient in cooking, but this plant, often thought of as a weed, is a real health kit. Dandelion treats the liver and gallbladder.

Dandelion improves digestion, increases the production of bile fluid in the body, optimizes liver function and prevents inflammation, headaches and general malaise.

The best time to enjoy dandelion tea is 10 minutes before the main meal of the day. Prepare the tea using 10 grams of dandelion and mix in a cup of warm water, sweeten with honey.

4. Refreshing salad for liver and gallbladder

cabbage salad to improve liver and gallbladder function

This salad helps to strengthen and cleanse the body holistically. The nutrients contained in vegetables are suitable for strengthening the liver and promote the health of the gallbladder.

Here’s how to make a salad:


  • 50 g of red cabbage cut into pieces
  • 50 g finely chopped green cabbage
  • Small grated carrot
  • 50 g of spinach
  • 3 nuts
  • Half an avocado
  • A pinch of fresh parsley
  • 8 raisins
  • Fennel
  • Half a pear


Wash all ingredients thoroughly and chop them with a knife. Buy high quality raw materials. Add all the ingredients to the bowl and season with olive oil and lemon juice.

5. Barley water

barley to improve liver and gallbladder function

Barley is an effective treatment for stress, anxiety and body cleansing. Barley contains calcium, magnesium and potassium, as well as plenty of vitamins that help keep the body’s pH at an ideal level.

How is barley water made?


  • 25 g of barley grains
  • about 6 dl of water
  • 2 g cinnamon
  • Half a lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon honey, about 25 g


  • Start by rinsing the barley grains with a strainer.
  • Pour the water into a saucepan and wait until it boils, then add the barley. Let the barley simmer on low heat until they become slightly soft, about 20 minutes.
  • Once the barley has softened, strain the water and save it. Season with honey and cinnamon and finally add lemon juice. Enjoy the water on warm afternoons, it will make you feel refreshed but calm.
  • You can eat the remaining barley even as porridge. Then use more water and let the barley ripen completely.

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