Four Tips To Reduce Menstrual Bleeding

Every body is different and all menstruations are unique. A woman should monitor her menstrual bleeding and take care of her own health. Do you have normal or heavy periods? Read our advice and follow them to reduce heavy menstrual bleeding.
Four tips to reduce menstrual bleeding

One of the functions of vaginal bleeding is to protect the vagina from possible inflammation and to keep it clean and moist. However, menstrual bleeding can intensify very profusely, affecting a woman’s life. We provide four natural remedies to help reduce menstrual bleeding.

Our body secretes estrogen, which regulates the amount of menstrual bleeding and ovulation. Changes in the amount of estrogen directly affect what kind of menstruation will be and thus also the quality of life.

Tips for reducing menstrual bleeding

Your first task is to see a gynecologist if your period is heavy and painful. Your doctor may rule out more serious illnesses that can affect heavy periods. Only then can you take our other advice to you to reduce your bleeding.

1. Improve your diet

start reducing menstrual bleeding by eating nuts

Choose healthy foods that are high in nutrients such as protein, iron and lime. Iron plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells, so iron deficiency can cause profuse bleeding.  Vitamin C works in conjunction with iron as it helps the iron to be absorbed.

By including the following foods in your diet, you can reduce heavy menstruation:

  • walnut
  • green vegetables
  • yogurt
  • cheese
  • orange
  • strawberry
  • cherry
  • apricot

2. Take supplements

You can increase your intake of iron and minerals by taking supplements that contain magnesium, zinc, lime, and vitamin B6 in addition to iron. You can choose a multivitamin or take them separately.

Iron helps reduce heavy menstrual bleeding. Vitamin B helps the liver clear excess body of estrogen and promote prostaglandin synthesis, which is to reduce blood clots.

3. Make herbal tea

start reducing menstrual bleeding by drinking green tea

Herbs have been used for millennia to regulate uterine bleeding. Herbs can correct hormonal imbalances and regulate heavy menstrual bleeding.

Enjoy the herbal teas listed below. They are excellent for relieving pain, helping in the production of progesterone and relaxing the uterine muscles:

  • corrugated leaf
  • Lutukka
  • tree of chastity
  • cinnamon
  • raspberry leaf

4. Use a cooler bag

Cold therapy reduces bleeding and pain and inflammation because the cold narrows the blood vessels and thus reduces bleeding.

Place an ice cube bag on your lower abdomen. Leave it for up to 20 minutes and use again every 2-4 hours until the symptoms ease. If the ice bag feels too cold or the skin becomes numb, do not use the ice bag. 

What is normal?

woman in the forearms

Many women are worried about what kind and how much menstrual bleeding is normal because they don’t know and it’s hard to compare. This can vary depending on the length of the menstrual cycle and the intensity and duration of your period.

The interval between periods should be 21-35 days. The amount of menstruation is usually 30-80 ml and the duration is 3-7 days. Some women may experience intermittent bleeding during ovulation, in which case there is little bleeding and it is brown.

Menstrual disorders include menstruation lasting more than seven days, menstruation lasting less than three days, and menstruation every more than 35 days. Menstrual periods over 80 ml are too abundant. Some women may have very meager periods. Ask your gynecologist if you suspect you have a menstrual disorder.

Women’s health

Take control of your own situation and take the necessary measures because  heavy or prolonged menstruation affects your daily life, both physical and mental health and also your social life. 

They can cause serious health problems, such as anemia caused by iron deficiency. Usually, symptoms from menstruation include dizziness, fatigue, headache, shortness of breath, blurred vision, and arrhythmia. 

If the menstrual cycle is not caused by a serious, medicated illness, you can try the four tips we mentioned above to improve your menstrual cycle. This will allow you to live an easier life when the red flag is in Salo and enjoy being a woman.

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