Keep Your Hands Beautiful And Smooth

Keep your hands beautiful and smooth

In most cases, the hands do not receive very much attention, and the skin of the hands does not begin to be treated until the skin begins to become wrinkled and dry, or liver spots begin to appear.

If you take care of the skin of your hands from the age of twenty, you will make sure that your hands remain beautiful, firm and smooth until old age. By treating your hands, you prevent the signs of premature aging.

In this article, you’ll get lots of organic tips on how to properly care for the thin skin of your hands and keep your hands smooth and youthful.

Hands and their daily care

The thin skin of the hands dries easily. The most common causes of dry skin on the hands are:

  • Aging
  • Sun exposure to UV radiation
  • Deficiencies in food
  • Continuous exposure to chemicals
  • Smoking
take care of your hands properly

Many women notice the effect of age on their hands. Sunscreen is one of the most important ways to keep the skin on the palms of your hands beautiful, as they are constantly exposed to the sun during the summer, which leads to skin aging and the formation of liver spots. So keep your hands moisturized and protected from a young age, this will slow down the signs of aging.

If you are looking for a moisturizer suitable for dry hands, we recommend trying natural oils that nourish the skin without burdening it with unnecessary chemicals. Try these in particular:

  • Rosehip oil
  • Almond oil
  • Olive oil
  • Aloe Vera
  • Sheavoi
  • Argan oil

You can use these as naturally as possible or mix them with hand fat.

Peel your hands regularly

The aging of the skin of the hands is usually manifested as hardening, roughness and dryness. Hand peeling helps restore the smoothness and softness of the hands and removes dead skin cells. Natural ingredients that are gentle on aging and sensitive skin can be used to exfoliate the skin.

The skin of the hands can be peeled with sugar or salt. If your hands are really dry, mix the sugar or salt with the olive oil. Rub the sugar crystals on your hands in the same way you use soap when washing your hands and finally rinse with cool water. Hands can be peeled twice a week.

Constantly cold hands?

Cold hands are a sign of peripheral circulatory weakness. If you suffer from cold hands, usually your toes and feet are also regularly cold. In winter you wear wool socks constantly and in summer socks are also needed.

Poor blood circulation can be treated locally e.g. by massage and internally e.g. by eating ginger. Be sure to check your diet for nutrients, as poor blood circulation can be a sign of nutrient deficiencies.

Here’s how to treat cold hands:

  • Rub your hands through ginger-extracted oil  or other stimulating oil. The spiciness of ginger creates a warming feeling in the hands and makes the blood circulate.
  • Eat cayenne pepper and ginger in appropriate amounts each day. Cayenne pepper can be mixed with hot drinks and foods, ginger is also suitable for both drinks and foods and can also be eaten sugared.
  • Swim your hands in hot and cold water alternately, this will improve blood circulation. Sauna has the same effect.
  • Wear gloves made of wool or other natural materials if necessary.
  • Drink Gingko biloba business tea every now and then. Make to improve peripheral blood circulation.

Also take care of your nails

Beautiful nails make your hands attractive. Shredded cuticles and cracked, yellow nails make your hands look aged and messy. So remember to take care of your nails in addition to the skin of your hands.

Nails stay in good condition by following a healthy diet and regular maintenance. Be sure to cut and file your nails, remove any nail polish residue, and apply hand grease to your nails as well.

If colored dots or yellowish spots appear on the nails, there may be deficiencies in the diet. Nail breakage is also a clear sign that there are not enough nail-strengthening ingredients in the diet.

So be sure to base your diet around vegetables and fruits, and eat lots of beans, healthy oils, whole grains, seeds, and nuts.

healthy hands and nails

Hand osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis of the hands, or osteoarthritis, is an arthritis that can cause severe pain and deformity of the hands.  In addition to aging, e.g. heavy work, arthritic sports, overweight, joint injuries and inflammation, and hereditary predisposition.

If you have osteoarthritis in your family or you start to notice early symptoms of osteoarthritis, wash your hands with clay soap and allow it to soak for 15-30 minutes so that the clay dries completely. Wash hands after treatment. The treatment can be repeated many times a week.

You can use a variety of nutrients to prevent osteoarthritis, but always remember to talk to your doctor before using them:

  • Amino acids
  • Bromelain
  • Calcium
  • Shark cartilage
  • Turmeric
  • Magnesium
  • Selenium
  • Collagen
  • vitamin C
  • Silicon

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