7 Good Ways To Relieve PMS Symptoms

Many different factors, such as diet and attitude, can affect the severity of PMS symptoms.
7 good ways to relieve PMS symptoms

Do you know how you can relieve the symptoms of PMS? It is not an easy task, although it is estimated that more than 70% of women suffer from PMS syndrome, a premenstrual syndrome.

There is no ambiguity that this is one of the most common problems for women. If you’re lucky, you’ll probably only suffer from minor lower abdominal pain. In other cases, symptoms may include severe mood swings, severe pain, and difficulty performing normal everyday tasks.

Fortunately, you can easily relieve the symptoms of PMS with the following tips.

7 Ways to Relieve PMS Symptoms

Pineapple relieves PMS symptoms

Eating pineapple helps prevent PMS pain. This delicious fruit is also an easily available treatment.

Pineapple is an ideal option due to the bromelain it contains. Bromelain is an important enzyme that promotes the digestion of proteins and thus reduces the abdominal discomfort associated with PMS.

Pineapple drinks can also help relieve pain as they reduce swelling and improve blood circulation.

We recommend eating 150 g of pineapple on the days before menstruation. If you don’t like to eat sliced ​​pineapple, Include it in green moths.

2. Massages

One very effective way to relieve PMS symptoms is to rub the lower abdomen with rotating movements. An easy option is to press the area lightly with a heat pad.

Another option is an oil massage.


  • 1 teaspoon sweet almond oil
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon oil, geranium oil or ginger oil


  • Mix the two oils between the palms.
  • Press with your fingers and make rotating movements in the area between the hips and abdomen up to the feet.

3. Observe the portion size with meals

Are you one of those women whose stomach swells very much during PMS? It certainly affects the state of being, but it is easy to avoid.

It is best to reduce portion sizes with meals. Swelling is increased by eating plenty of carbohydrates.

Try to combat the moods of PMS and choose healthy and nutritious food. Also try to eat more often (5-6 times a day) but in smaller portions.

If you have already identified foods that are causing problems, avoid them.

In any case, it is best to control the consumption of the following foods and beverages:

  • salt
  • coffee
  • chocolate
  • citrus fruits
  • fats

4. Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is one great way to relieve PMS symptoms. It is delicious and drinking it warm makes it easier to feel.

Chamomile has analgesic and sedative properties that reduce discomfort. We recommend drinking it when you feel pain or cold in the abdomen.

This will allow you to resume your normal day faster. By drinking this stew and avoiding annoying foods, your period will pass without severe pain.

5. Exercise

Exercise relieves PMS symptoms

When PMS symptoms occur, many women prefer to stay in bed. For some, this syndrome causes a lot of discomfort, especially if they have other complications such as polycystic ovaries.

However, exercise is a fairly effective way to relieve PMS symptoms. We recommend some peaceful sport, such as going for a walk.

You will find that you feel better in a few minutes and you can resume your day normally again.

6. Live healthy

Do you ever go out with friends with a few glasses? Do you smoke? Alcohol, tobacco and coffee are part of the daily lives of many.

Although they are common evils, it is important to consider stopping their use for a few days. Namely, they can all aggravate PMS symptoms, especially pain.

So to relieve the symptoms of PMS, avoid these three stimulants and choose healthy foods and drink plain water. It can be boring, but at least you suffer less pain.

7. Relax and relieve stress

Relaxation relieves the symptoms of PMS

The last way to relieve PMS symptoms is to stay as relaxed as possible. This may not be that simple due to the stress of work and family life. In this case, we recommend resorting to any method that keeps stress at bay as much as possible.

For example, you can do the following:

  • Read a little before bed, but don’t do anything exciting.
  • Do yoga. Yoga increases flexibility and also provides energy for the day as well as relieves PMS symptoms.
  • Listen to music. If you can’t get rid of obligations, listen to calm and pleasant music.

Remember that stress directly affects hormones. That is, when menstruation is coming, the discomfort may be more noticeable.

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