Is A Gluten-free Diet Suitable For Everyone?

Today, the range of gluten-free foods is large, and these products are very popular with those interested in health. But are gluten-free foods suitable for everyone?
Is a gluten-free diet suitable for everyone?

Is it worth eating gluten-free foods for everyone? Today, gluten-free is a fashionable and common thing among those who advocate natural and balanced food.

In addition to fashion, it is a matter of debating whether gluten is good or bad for humans – both views are supported. Gluten is also still present in a great many foods.

Is it really always a problem to eat gluten then? Evidence suggests that this high-protein ingredient can indeed be detrimental – to some of us.

What is gluten?

Gluten is a plant protein found mainly in wheat and some other grains.

Some feel that the human body is not ready to process and shape enough of this substance and wheat in general.

This is quite certain: for some of us, gluten is not suitable. People with celiac disease have an indigestion in their body, which at a basic level means intolerance to gluten. There is also gluten hypersensitivity.

How do you know you have celiac disease?

the man says no to milk

Exhaustion, bone loss, abdominal pain, and lactose intolerance are some of the typical symptoms in people with celiac disease.

While these signs are clear, they can be associated with other problems, and therefore a person suspected of celiac disease should always undergo tests first.

The problem is often that there are no severe symptoms, and there is also a general lack of awareness of the disease.

There is no cure for celiac disease and the problem can last a lifetime. The best choice is to strictly follow a gluten-free diet.

Gluten-free diet

Outside of modern shops, it is not always easy to find completely gluten-free foods , as gluten is present in countless products that people consume on a daily basis.

For example, the following foods contain gluten:

  • pasta
  • bread
  • sauces
  • cereals (most)
  • cookies
  • beer

Ideally, all of these foods should be omitted and replaced with products that are better tolerated by the body, such as:

  • vegetables
  • fruit
  • chicken
  • gluten-free oats

The challenge here is to make a change so that the body is not deprived of the necessary nutrients and weight is not lost too much.

It is important to remember that many commercial products contain wheat.

On supermarket shelves: where is all the gluten?

gluten free

It is important to remember that gluten is used to increase the nutrient content of products that do not contain wheat or other grains.

The treatment starts with you buying and eating healthier.

You can go a long way by reading the product descriptions in the store. Fortunately, in many countries, manufacturers are now required to label products “gluten-free,” so the buyer only needs to look at the package and choose the right one.

Some foods do not need this substance, but they do have it – for example:

  • soy sauce
  • salad dressings
  • yogurt
  • dried fruits
  • blue cheese
  • cold cuts
  • some chicken products

You should be especially careful with whole grain products, as they often contain gluten.

“Contamination” of food

The cooking process at home must also be radically changed to prevent the risk of contamination. This means that gluten is transferred to gluten-free foods when cooked with gluten-containing foods.

For example, if you fry an eggplant or chicken in oil you have previously used to fry potatoes or pastries, the remnants of wheat may be transferred.

It’s also good to prepare for a large group of meals even with gluten-free options – even if not everyone follows such a diet, some will need gluten-free products.

Gluten or not

gluten-free oats

Fortunately, there are foods that are very low in gluten, such as oats, and these are tolerated by celiac bodies.

However, you should be careful with the amounts when consuming foods that can cause allergies. In addition, it is recommended to perform tests.

In addition to celiac disease, people with allergies, intestinal inflammation, diabetes, or heart disease should also follow a low-gluten diet.

It can’t be said that gluten is bad for humans in general – most of us don’t show strong reactions to consuming it often. However, a clinically clear association between gluten and some negative phenomena has been observed.

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