Remove Pimples And Blackheads Naturally

Finns and blackheads appear especially due to air pollution and poor skin cleansing. So remember to wash your face thoroughly in the morning and evening.
Remove pimples and blackheads by natural means

Finns and blackheads are certainly a familiar headache for everyone, especially among teens and young adults. Finns and blackheads do not directly affect health and are, in theory, nothing more than a cosmetic nuisance, but often those suffering from bad skin impurities feel uncomfortable and unattractive. Remove pimples and blackheads naturally without damaging your skin with the tips in this article.

Both pimples and blackheads can be caused by many different causes: bacteria, air pollution, hormonal changes, the use of the wrong kind of makeup, poor hygiene, and severe oiling of the skin can all lead to clogging and inflammation of the pores. Fortunately, there are many different ways to treat skin impurities and keep your skin clear, clean and soft.

There are a lot of products on store shelves that promise effective cleansing that advertise to banish blackheads and pimples at that moment. Unfortunately, many of these products are expensive and do not help everyone. Sometimes these hard-drying products can even make the situation worse and irritate the inflamed skin even further. Preferably, remove pimples and blackheads with natural means to make your skin feel better.

For this reason, we want to focus in this article on natural ways to cleanse the skin and remove impurities. By following an effective, natural facial cleansing method every day, you take care of your skin condition while saving money. Remember that to get the best results you need to be patient and keep cleaning from week to week.

Remove pimples and blackheads with this cleaning routine

  • Cleanse the skin twice a day. Exposure to toxins, chemicals and air pollutants makes the skin dirty, although it may not be visible to the naked eye. However, this results in pimples and blackheads constantly occurring. So be sure to clean your face both in the morning and in the evening and make sure you remove all makeup, bacteria, dirt and excess oil from your skin.
  • Use natural toner on the skin. Try the magic nut to cleanse your facial skin. Magic walnut is one of the best options instead of using chemical cleaners. The magic nut stimulates and tightens the skin, which helps keep excessive sebum secretion and dries blackheads and pimples quickly. Use the magic nut daily to keep your skin clean and soft.
  • Vaporize the skin. The steam treatment opens the pores of the skin and brings all the impurities of the skin to the surface of the skin, making them easy to squeeze out gently. Steaming deeply cleanses the skin pores. Pour boiling water into a flat bowl or saucepan, place your face directly above the bowl and cover your head with a towel to prevent steam from escaping. Allow the steam to open the skin pores in complete peace. The treatment can be repeated 2-3 times a week. Beauticians use the same method before cleansing the skin.
  • Peel the skin. Exfoliation is important in preventing the formation of blackheads and pimples. Effectively remove pimples and blackheads by exfoliating. Exfoliation also removes dead skin cells, dirt and excess fat from the skin, preventing it from accumulating in the skin pores and causing impurities. You can easily make an exfoliating cream according to your own skin type. One effective exfoliating cream is made from oatmeal and honey and is gently massaged all over the face and neck in a circular motion. Finally, the face is washed with warm water. Also remember toner and moisturizer.

Natural treatments to prevent contaminants

Mask of egg and lemon

remove the pimples with the egg
This powerful mask helps banish disgusting pimples and blackheads. The lemon in the mask tightens the skin, deeply cleanses the skin and kills bacteria. The egg, in turn, removes excess fat from the skin and makes the skin soft.


  • 1 egg white
  • a few drops of fresh lemon juice


Mix the ingredients together and apply evenly on the skin. Allow to soak for 20 minutes and rinse face with warm water. The treatment can be repeated twice a week.

Strawberry mask

The delicious and juicy strawberry is also suitable for direct application to the skin. Strawberry effectively removes excess oil from the skin and keeps skin pores clean.


  • 5 strawberries
  • 1 egg white
  • 1 tablespoon running honey


Wash and chop the strawberries. Separate the egg yolk from the protein. Mix the ingredients together so that the strawberries change. Apply to face skin, avoid eye area. Remember to apply the mask on freshly washed, clean and dry skin. Allow to soak for 20 minutes and rinse the mask off with warm water.

Mask of yogurt and lemon

remove pimples with yogurt

Yogurt and lemon together cleanse your facial skin and help you prevent new impurities as well as excessive oiling of your skin.


  • 2 tablespoons unflavoured yogurt
  • ½ tablespoons of lemon juice


Mix the ingredients well together, apply to the skin in an even layer and allow to absorb for 20 minutes. Wash the mask off with warm water. Do not take this treatment more than once a week, as citric acid can irritate the skin in the long run. We also do not recommend lemon for use on sensitive or ulcerated skin.

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