Treatment Of Heartburn With Baking Soda

Baking soda can help relieve heartburn immediately, but it should not be taken too much. This is because the product in question may otherwise have the exact opposite effect on the body as intended.
Treatment of heartburn with baking soda

Heartburn is the feeling of a  burn coming out of your stomach that progresses toward your throat. Problems with heartburn come from weakness in the sphincter of the esophagus. If this part of the muscles does not close, the contents of the stomach, as well as its acids, escape and get up along the esophagus.

Today we will tell you how to easily treat heartburn at home with baking soda.

Therefore,  foods that your body has not fully processed in your digestion can cause heartburn. They can cause other symptoms in the upper digestive tract.

This pain is common every now and then, but if you suffer from these episodes frequently, it is possible that it is a reflux disease instead of the usual heartburn. If you suspect the possibility of reflux disease, contact your doctor.

Keep reading as we now talk about the benefits of baking soda in heartburn prevention and treatment!

Treatment of heartburn naturally with baking soda

treatment of heartburn with baking soda

Baking soda is a mineral compound that can  soothe heartburn caused by eating foods such as spices or excessive fat.

Because soda is an alkalinity-enhancing product, it neutralizes the chemical balance in the human digestive system.  Thus, it is known as an antacid, i.e. an acid drug, as an active ingredient.

However, it is important to remember that baking soda does not have a long lasting effect, sometimes this is not a good thing. Because of this, people often tend to increase the amount of soda they take, which in turn can lead to overdose.

Always remember that  excessive amounts of soda can have the opposite effect as intended. If you take too much soda, your stomach will start to produce more acid to neutralize the alkalizing effect of soda.

In addition, there are health conditions where baking soda should not be taken. If you have high blood pressure, fluid buildup in the body, or kidney problems, baking soda is a product that should be avoided.

If you suffer from any of the health problems mentioned above, you should use baking soda as a treatment product only as  prescribed by your doctor, and in addition to using other preventative methods to avoid heartburn.

Treatment and prevention of heartburn

treatment and prevention of heartburn

The most effective way to avoid heartburn is to  eat a lighter dinner. This means a diet that does not contain products that irritate the gastric mucosa, such as the following:

  • carbonated beverages
  • fatty or spicy foods
  • prepared sauces
  • alcohol
  • caffeine

How to use baking soda to treat heartburn

There are various ways to use baking soda and it can be purchased as both tablets and powder.

Baking soda in tablets

treatment of heartburn with baking soda

This is recommended in situations where you want  to relieve the occasional heartburn. 

Each form of medicine encompasses its own instructions and limitations. However, the usual dose is  one tablet (or two if needed) completely dissolved in a cup of water.

  • Drink fluids an hour after meals or when  you notice heartburn starting.
  • However, do not take it when your stomach is full after drinking or food.
  • If symptoms last longer, or if they worsen within 14 days, stop taking baking soda and talk to your doctor.

Baking soda in powder and water

Necessary ingredients

  • 1 teaspoon baking soda powder
  • 1 cup water

This is how this treatment is done

  • First put a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water. Make sure the powder dissolves and drink the liquid immediately.
  • Drink this a  maximum of twice a day and one or two hours after meals.
  • However, do not drink fluids when your stomach is very full and do not continue this treatment for very long.
  • Take the liquid for a  maximum of two weeks,  unless your doctor tells you otherwise.

Baking soda in powder and apple cider vinegar

Necessary ingredients

  • 1 cup water
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
    treatment of heartburn with baking soda and water

This is how this treatment is done

  • First put baking soda and apple cider vinegar in a cup of water. Stir well to dissolve the powder.
  • Drink this liquid  two or three times a week, and three hours before your meals.

Note that it is recommended that this liquid be drunk with a whistle to avoid tooth wear.

Baking soda in powder and honey

Necessary ingredients

  • A cup of water
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda powder
  • 1 teaspoon honey

This is how this treatment is done

  • Put baking soda and honey in a glass of warm water, and  mix well.
  • Drink this mixture  before you notice heartburn even starting.

Baking soda in powder and lemon

heartburn treatment with baking soda and lemon

Necessary ingredients

  • 1 teaspoon baking soda powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of fresh, squeezed and natural lemon juice
  • 1 cup water

This is how this treatment is done

Mix the ingredients and  enjoy the drink as soon as you feel your stomach pain begin.

A few recommendations

Baking soda is a great medicinal product, but it is important to know that it has certain risks. This is especially true when baking soda is taken for an extended period of time.

It is a good idea to ask your doctor for advice so you can find out if there are any possible reactions  or side effects that may affect your own body. This will give you more information on dietary recommendations for heartburn.

If this common ailment is also present in your own life, and if you want to alleviate it naturally, keep in mind our tips and recommendations – take the effective abilities of baking soda to treat heartburn!

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