Jealousy: 5 Jealous People’s Mistakes

We’ve all been jealous at times, but there are a few things about this general feeling that would still be good to remember. Keep reading and hear more about it!
Jealousy: 5 mistakes of jealous people

Jealousy can destroy not only relationships, but entire families. Many think that showing their partner with their jealousy only how much he loves the other. However, there is a certain type of jealousy that is very negative.

We’ve all been jealous at some point.

If you have siblings, you may have experienced this strange feeling as a child when your parents paid more attention to your brother or sister, or when the other received praise from your parents.

Problems with jealousy are common when it comes to romantic relationships. For example, many believe in phrases like “if he’s jealous, he really loves me”.

While jealousy may be commonplace,  it can cause a person to make many mistakes blinded by this feeling,  which can then cause harm in the relationship.

Do you know what the devastating consequences of jealousy are? Keep reading and you’ll hear more about it!

1. When a partner is treated anxiously

the man looks at the woman's phone angrily

Jealous people are very insecure, and this causes them to try to control their partner all the time. Man wants the other completely for himself, and the jealous cannot tolerate the idea that the beloved is interested in the other.

This can cause the partner to become very depressed as well as need some space in the relationship. This then no doubt makes the jealous party angry.

And annoyance can then lead to an unwanted consequence, namely resignation. However, the jealous party does not realize what the other person is feeling.

His jealousy nullifies the empathy he feels.

2. He is constantly looking for evidence

There is a phenomenon called the “Pygmalion effect,” and it describes the following: if a person believes that something is going to happen or is acting as it would, that thing will indeed eventually happen.

This is what happens to jealous people who are constantly looking for a sign that their partner is cheating on them.

Any message or connection to another person can lead to a conversation full of criticism and phrases like “you don’t love me!”

This type of attitude can eventually cause a person to find what they are looking for – as if the person’s behavior is an invitation to get what they suspect is happening to actually happen.

3. He refuses to seek help for his problem

woman denies with her finger

The negative thing about jealous people and the fact that they think they are normal or show love for their partner is that they refuse to believe that they are a problem in their relationship.

This causes the relationship to gradually deteriorate significantly,  and over time, the relationship becomes very toxic to both parties.

Applying for help would be a very good thing in a situation like this. In this way, communication would improve for both parties, and jealousy could be seen as unrealistic beliefs and the result of unnecessary fear.

4. Jealousy does not disappear overnight

No matter how jealous a party in a romantic relationship would say, “I will change,” the truth of the matter is that this is a process, and it would always be good to seek professional help.

Jealous people can make many promises when their exhausted partner threatens to leave the relationship. However, it is important to keep in mind that the process can be lengthy.

One must get rid of some of the beliefs that have made jealousy become a “normal” thing in a  relationship, and in addition, one must look at all the fears and uncertainties that cause the problem.

5. They explode suddenly

the quarrel of jealous people

Jealous people are always volatile in their moods because they have distrust. Whenever they find a small “proof” of something, they become jealous as well as unleash the anger they have hidden.

In this way – and after experiencing several moments of jealousy – they will eventually explode when the situation becomes even more difficult. The partner does not understand what is happening, and thus the situation worsens.

It would be good if a jealous partner understood that the solution is not that the other is behaving the way he or she wants but that the person in question himself or herself needs to change his or her view of jealousy and his or her relationship.

This is the only way to make such a relationship healthy.

On the other hand, in most cases, too much jealousy will end up, as the  situation becomes unsustainable.

Do you recognize these problems caused by jealousy in your own relationships? Are you currently in a relationship where jealousy is causing harm?

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