Relieve Vaginal Itching With 5 Natural Treatments

Does the intimate area feel unbearable itching? Do you find yourself suffering from drought or abnormal leakage? All of the following treatments will prevent these symptoms from getting worse.
Relieve vaginal itching with 5 natural treatments

Unpleasant vaginal itching can be caused by a change in the pH level of the intimate area, or it can be caused by a gynecological disorder.

In any case, the discomfort is very annoying to the woman suffering from it, and can be accompanied by redness, abnormal bleeding, and other symptoms that often cause insecurity in your own body. Indeed, most want to find effective ways to alleviate itching and other problems in this area.

Although vaginal itching usually occurs only occasionally, and although it is almost always caused by mild inflammation, treatment is recommended to soothe the skin as well as promote recovery.

Fortunately, in addition to medications, there are also all-natural solutions that can safely and effectively control vaginal itching.

We now talk about five natural products that help this problem conveniently and inexpensively.

What causes vaginal itching?

The vagina is an area that is protected by bacterial growth, and this fights microorganisms that can cause inflammation.

When there are changes in the pH level of the area, the level of protection decreases and viruses, bacteria, and fungi get to multiply.

This may be due to the following:

  • scented soaps
  • talcum powder
  • wet or artificial underwear
  • tight pants
  • too much use of antibiotics
  • poor diet
  • impaired resistance

Treat vaginal itching by natural means

vaginal itching is a nasty affliction

The properties of some natural products restore the pH of the vagina so that itching and irritation disappear.

If the itching is due to an infection, it is best to see a doctor to find out if other treatments are needed.

Let’s then look at five good natural products for this affliction.

1. Basilica

basil for vaginal itching

The antibacterial and antifungal properties of basil leaf help control the attack of microorganisms – these can cause inflammation in the vagina.

The cooling effect of basil curbs skin irritation and soothes itching and burning in the intimate area.


  • 3 tablespoons basil leaves
  • 2 cups water


  • Put the basil leaves and water in a saucepan, and bring to a boil.
  • Remove from the heat and allow the liquid to reach room temperature.
  • After 20-30 minutes Strain the stew.


  • Put the stew in a flat container or bucket, and put warm water in it. Sit in a container until the water cools.
  • Repeat the treatment twice a day.

2. Rosemary

rosemary relieves vaginal itching

Rosemary leaves are antibiotic and antifungal, and help control inflammation that changes vaginal pH.

Plant extracts protect the outer areas of the vagina as well as reduce tingling on this sensitive skin.


  • 3 tablespoons rosemary leaves
  • 2 cups water


  • Put the rosemary leaves in boiling water.
  • Cover the liquid and allow it to cool for about 20 minutes.


  • Rinse the outer areas of the vagina with liquid.
  • Allow the skin to dry without rinsing off the treatment fluid.
  • Repeat this treatment twice a day.

3. Marigold

dried calendula

Marigold is one of the most used plants in the treatment of vaginal problems.

It works to fight microbes and inflammation, and thus reduces the burns and itching caused by the imbalance in bacterial growth.


  • 3 tablespoons calendula
  • 2 cups water


  • Put the calendula and water in a saucepan, and cook on low heat for five minutes.
  • Remove the pan from the stove and  let the liquid stand for 20 minutes.
  • Strain and use the incubator to rinse the vaginal area.


  • Rinse the outer area of ​​the vagina with liquid.
  • Repeat this treatment twice a day.

4. Salvia


Salvia leaves have properties that regulate healthy bacteria in the vagina, preventing inflammation.

Its use directly on the skin reduces itching as well as cools.


  • 2 tablespoons sage leaves
  • 2 cups water


  • Put the sage leaves in boiling water.
  • Cover the drink and let the leaves simmer for 20 minutes.


  • Use the liquid to make an intimate bath twice a day.

5. Aloe Vera and Vitamin E.

aloe vera

A natural cream of aloe vera and vitamin E helps moisturize the intimate area to reduce itching caused by excessive drought.


  • 2 tablespoons aloe vera gel
  • 1 teaspoon of vitamin E.


  • Mix the aloe vera gel with vitamin E.


  • Rub the mixture on the outer areas of the vagina, gently massaging the irritated areas.
  • Use twice a day to reduce discomfort as effectively as possible.

Does the intimate area feel unbearable itching? Do you find yourself suffering from drought or abnormal leakage? All the natural treatments we present now effectively combat those symptoms so that they do not get worse.

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