Red Dots On The Skin – Are They A Danger?

Red spots on the skin are usually not a danger to human health unless they are associated with discomfort, itching, or bleeding. In these cases, it is always necessary to see a doctor.
Red dots on the skin - are they a danger?

You may have found a red dot on your skin several times, looking like a eyelid, and wondered what it was all about. Those color changes tend to come and go, and there seems to be no clear reason for this.

It is common to worry about small red spots on the skin, as their appearance and disappearance is often very sudden.

At this point, it is necessary to clarify this phenomenon:  red spots on the skin are vascular tumors, the appearance of which is related to hereditary factors, and are generally also associated with skin aging.

However, these red dots are not related to cancer or sun exposure, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be kept an eye out. Likewise, you should always check from time to time if there have been any changes in the spots.

Next, we will tell you the main facts related to these small vascular tumors. Hopefully our article will clarify the matter, if you’ve ever wondered what these weird red dots are all about!

Basic facts about red spots on the skin

Red dots on the skin are a phenomenon that affects people aged 40-45 the most.  However, they can also occur in children or adolescents. Their appearance is related to inherited factors received from parents.

They are usually very easily noticeable as the red color is bright. Indeed, many find them uncomfortable, as they are clearly visible when wearing revealing clothing. Some find them so harmful that they want to remove their red dots.

Next, let’s take a closer look at this skin phenomenon – keep reading if you’ve ever thought about it yourself!


eyelids on a woman's neck

What exactly are red spots on the skin?

These skin changes are dilations of blood vessels due to small tears in the vascular system. Red dots are often seen on the arms and chest.

  • According to experts, this is the same type of phenomenon as varicose veins, but these points still appear perpendicular to the skin, not parallel.
  • We also want to clarify one thing: those points are harmless tumors that are simply accumulations of amelanocytes. They will not become dangerous, unlike in the case of creatures.

Red dots and discoloration on the skin

It is worth remembering that a person can have both red dots and other discolorations on their skin. Here’s some clarification:

Couperosis is also seen as dilation of blood vessels, but it often resembles spider veins in appearance. These changes occur because the temperature changes or the woman is pregnant. The good news is that those changes are not permanent, so they will disappear over time.

Hemangiomas,  in turn, are the classic birthmarks that many have on their skin and can be red or even purple in color. They are small vascular malformations that appear almost exclusively on children’s faces and bodies. They may disappear over time or remain on the skin permanently.

Should you worry about red spots on your skin?

As we have already mentioned, these clearly visible points are not cancer-related. They are harmless tumors, but you should still pay attention to whether there are any changes in them.

red eyelid


  • They should not appear in very large numbers in any particular area.
  • Red dots on the skin do not normally cause discomfort. So if they hurt or itch, or if they otherwise cause discomfort, see a doctor.
  • These points do not normally bleed. However, if they start to leak when touched, see a dermatologist.
  • Pay attention to the color and shape of the dots. If their color darkens or their edges become rough or uneven, visit an expert to make sure there is nothing harmful.

How to get rid of points?

While these skin changes are in no way dangerous to human health, they may not be pleasing, especially because they tend to show up quite clearly in the revealing tops.

the doctor examines the woman's eyelid


  • It is important to remember one thing about removing red dots:  they should never be tried to be removed with a home brace  or by natural means, as this can have dangerous consequences.
  • The red dots are usually 6-7 millimeters in diameter. Because they are blood vessels, you should never try to remove them at home. An expert will be able to tell you the best and safest ways to remove them.
  • Usually, a laser device or an electric knife is used to help burn out the red dots, as this will prevent them from reappearing. This technique is completely safe for the skin.

So if you’ve been thinking for a long time about what these points are all about, remember the following: they’re not usually dangerous, but you should keep an eye on them nonetheless. And if you decide to remove your own red dots , never do it on your own!

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