Health Benefits Of Apple Puree

When handling apples, you should leave their peel in place whenever possible, as it contains a lot of pectin. In addition, apple peel promotes digestion.
Apple puree health benefits

When you were sick as a child, your mother or grandmother might have given you an apple puree to eat. It is also common to give apples to children who have problems with digestion or bowel function.

You may not have eaten apple sauce for a long time, but  it has many health-promoting properties that are definitely worth keeping in mind.

So this time, we ’re going to talk about some of the great health-promoting effects of apple sauce , so keep reading and include this delicacy in your diet!

Apple puree – what is it?

Apples are the healthiest fruit in the world, so eating them in general is a very good idea. In addition to eating them raw (with or without a shell, depending on your own preference) or grated, you’re sure to have some kind of apple recipe you’ve received from your family for generations. For many, apple puree is such a traditional recipe.

This typical food is easy to prepare and, best of all, has all the great benefits and nutrients of an apple. Apple puree is rich in antioxidants, flavonoids and vitamins.

Pureed apple is able to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, and it also fights cancer and chronic diseases. That is why it is a good idea for apple puree to be enjoyed by adults and not just children.

prepare a delicious apple puree
  • Studies show that the fructose contained in this fruit promotes the removal of toxic substances from the body.
  • When you add honey and cinnamon to an apple puree, you both get a better tasting treat and in fact make it much healthier.
  • This food is a very delicious and well-being supplement to your habits, so give it a try as soon as possible!

The main benefits of apple puree

Apples are some of nature’s best ingredients, and they help with factors such as:

They reduce cell aging

Apples are a great source of vitamin C (this vitamin improves immunity), and when consumed in one apple daily, it already accounts for 11% of everything you need to stay healthy.

Apples have also been shown to have a free radical damaging effect on both your cells and your body. This is a common problem in older people.

It improves your digestion

  • Apple puree has a lot of insoluble fiber, but to get it available you need to leave the apple peels in place.
  • It promotes good digestive function and bowel emptying.
  • To get the best possible digestive and intestinal function from apples, and if you are a man in the age group of 19-50, eat 38 grams of fiber a day. Women in this same age group need 25 grams daily.
prepare a healthy apple puree

This food is perfect for those with constipation, but plenty of water is also needed to maximize its effects.

It will restore your appetite

Anyone who has ever been ill and spent time as a convalescent knows the appetite-restoring effect of apple sauce on appetite. Indeed, it is often given to the elderly who cannot bite or swallow their food properly.

Apple puree is also used in people with bulimia, anorexia or other eating disorders.

It satisfies hunger

If you want to lose your weight, apple is also an effective product in this case.

One cup of unsweetened apple puree contains 100 calories. For many people, it is a large enough amount to be able to spend a few hours without eating, or that the need to eat something unhealthy would disappear.

When you add a tablespoon of grated almonds or raisins, you get a dessert on your table that is full of healthy fats, protein and carbohydrates. This will make you feel fuller more easily.

How is apple sauce made?

Now that you know how awesome the apple sauce is, you might want to start making it at home. This next recipe is an easy and quick option.

Take advantage of the nutritious ingredients of apple, and enjoy it with your family for lunch or dinner.

Necessary ingredients

  • 3 red apples
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons honey
this completes a healthy apple puree

This is how it is made

  • Wash all the apples well and cut them into four parts.
  • Remove the inner, stem and seeds.
  • Put your apples on baking paper and bake them for 40 minutes at 175 degrees.
  • Remove them from the oven and allow the apples to cool. Then crush them with a hammer to mash the potatoes until you get a smooth texture.
  • Mix apple sauce with cinnamon and honey (the amounts we listed are estimates, so you can use more or less to your liking).
  • Store the puree in a separate jar in the refrigerator.
  • You can also enjoy the apple puree while warm. It’s all up to you!
  • You can use other fruits in this recipe – for example, fig and pear are great when used with an apple.

Apple puree is simply awesome food

If you are feeding it to an elderly, child, or someone who is sick or underweight, we recommend that you add a tablespoon of olive oil to maximize its benefits.

Those who are unable to process fructose in their body should not eat apple puree. In this case, take raspberries, strawberries or pineapple instead, and also add a little rice.

healthy apple puree

What is the difference between a puree and a sauce, you may have sometimes wondered. And in fact, many think they are one and the same thing.

However, there is a clear difference between the two types, namely apple sauce is made from boiled apples, while puree is made from raw apples. In the latter case, peel the apples and grate them, and according to our recipe, you can then add cinnamon, honey and raisins.

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