5 Morning Routines For Each Day

When you start taking advantage of these morning routines, your day will go better.
5 morning routines for each day

Morning routines are more important than you might imagine. Morning routines set the rhythm and tune for the rest of the day. That’s why it’s important to take care of what you do at the beginning of each day.

When you wake up, you need to activate your body so that it can perform all the things on your to-do list. You may think that the day only starts when you get your first sip of coffee, but it actually starts already in bed.

Yes, the first routine of the morning that gives strength and energy for the day is already happening in bed. When you stretch before getting up, you prepare your body for an active state. This also relieves muscle tension and reduces potential numbness.

Try these morning routines

Let’s look at the top five morning routines to help you start your day properly. The following morning routines are both energizing and very good for health. Try them now!

1. Ear massage

morning routines: ear massage

The ears have a large number of nerve endings that are connected to the rest of the body. For this reason, an ear massage is one of the best morning routines.

A mere ear massage when you wake up can help your body prepare for the day’s activities. If you do it relatively quickly, it will stimulate blood circulation and help you wake up.

2. A glass of lemon water

One of the energy-giving morning routines is hydration. After several hours of drinking nothing, your body needs fluid to start functioning again.

One way to do this in the morning is to exchange a cup of coffee for a glass of warm lemon water. This improves the functioning of the digestive system and helps the liver and intestines by building a good intestinal bacterial population.

Another benefit of warm lemon water is that it removes toxins and strengthens the immune system, which actually improves the health of the entire body.

You only need to squeeze half or a quarter of a lemon into a glass of warm water and drink it 20-30 minutes before breakfast each day.

3. Clean your tongue

morning routines: cleaning the tongue

Everyone learns at a young age that it is important to brush your teeth two or three times a day to maintain good oral health. This is one of the morning routines that gets the day going.

When brushing your teeth in the morning, it is important to remember to clean your tongue as well. Why? It accumulates a lot of bacteria at night, which can cause unpleasant odors. In addition to dental plaque, they can lead to cavities and various gum diseases.

4. A tablespoon of honey

Honey has many useful properties. One of them is that it helps stimulate memory thanks to the vitamins and minerals it contains. You probably already know that honey is a great reliever for the symptoms of the flu, cough or even allergy.

There is nothing better to stimulate memory than a tablespoon of honey every morning. Be sure to enjoy it 10-15 minutes before breakfast.

It is also important to choose fresh and natural honey. If it feels too sweet, you can mix it with water or milk. The effect is the same. Some people sweeten their morning coffee with a tablespoon of honey.

5. Mouthwash from hydrogen peroxide

rinse mouth with mouthwash

In addition to brushing your teeth and tongue, one good morning routine for oral health is rinsing your mouth with a hydrogen peroxide solution.

Just add five to seven drops of hydrogen peroxide to a cup of water and rinse your mouth with this solution every morning to help whiten your teeth. This also eliminates bad breath and prevents or treats some gum disease.

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