7 Foods That Are Bad For Your Gut

Did you know that fatty foods increase the amount of stomach acid and can irritate your gut and cause heartburn? Over time, this can lead to metabolic diseases. Learn what foods you should avoid! 
7 foods that are bad for your gut

Your gut plays a very important role in your health. Your gut helps your body absorb nutrients and eliminate waste. Read which foods are bad for your gut.

Did you know that your gut contains healthy bacteria? Millions of bacteria live in your gut. They are essential for good digestion  as they are responsible for removing certain substances that your body itself cannot digest.

They also help to produce certain essential vitamins. And if that wasn’t enough, they also give your body energy and strengthen your resilience. 

The problem is that sometimes poor eating habits can prevent your gut from doing its job well,  and cause symptoms and illnesses that can impair your quality of life.

What foods are bad for your gut?

The most worrying of all is that many people do not know which foods are harmful and why eating them can lead to these negative effects.

Therefore, we take this opportunity to reveal the 7 most harmful foods that are bad for your gut and why you should reduce their consumption as much as possible.

1. Cereals high in gluten

flour is bad for your gut

The fiber in some whole grains can improve intestinal function, but the  gluten in refined grains can cause problems. It does not melt or break down properly, leading to allergies and adverse reactions. 

Eating too much increases inflammatory levels. If left unchecked, it can trigger autoimmune diseases  such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Rheumatic
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Redhead
  • Fibromyalgia
  • MS disease
  • Crohn’s disease

2. Red meat

Regular consumption of red meat not only increases the risk of gout,  but can also  affect your body tissues, increasing inflammation. It is more difficult to digest compared to lean, light meat, as it slows down digestion and can also lead to digestive problems such as:

  • For bloating
  • For flatulence

In addition, red meat changes the pH of your gut, which lowers the number of good bacteria and  increases the risk of inflammation. 

3. Fatty fried food

fried sausages and bacon are bad for your gut

Fried and fatty foods are quite addictive, and can cause metabolic diseases and weight problems in the long run. 

In the short term, it irritates your gut and increases the acid content in your stomach. It can also cause problems such as heartburn.

Especially people with irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis or other digestive diseases should  avoid fried and fatty foods.

4. Dairy products

While dairy products can provide your body with the nutrients it needs, people who are lactose intolerant should avoid consuming them.

They are tasty and are found in many dishes that you may eat all the time, but have  been proven to be responsible for many visceral problems. 

Fat, lactose and protein in dairy products  have a direct effect on visceral health;  they make waste disposal more cumbersome. They are also associated with inflammation and common problems such as constipation and diarrhea. 

5. Spicy foods


Hot peppers and chilies add a special touch to your food and even contain effective antioxidants that protect your body from oxidative damage.

The problem is that eating them can cause severe inflammation in your stomach and intestines,  especially in people who already have digestive problems. As a result, you will experience more heartburn, heartburn and gastritis. 

6. Coffee and soda

Coffee and soda  are associated with increased heartburn and inflammation of the internal organs. These drinks relax the esophageal sphincter, which makes the rise in stomach acids easier.

High levels of sugar and additives also interfere with visceral health, sometimes causing diarrhea and severe abdominal pain. 

7. Canned and processed foods

canned food is bad for your gut

Supermarkets are full of canned and processed foods that are prepared in a way that eliminates their nutritional properties. 

Many people see them as a good, quick alternative because they usually taste good and are easy to prepare.

However, it must be remembered that they are very low in essential nutrients. Instead, these products are full of additives that affect your gut as well as the rest of your body. The use of additives has been linked to the risk of developing metabolic diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome and several cancers.

Do you eat any of the above foods? If so, try to reduce their consumption as much as possible to keep your gut healthy. 

Instead, eat organic food, especially fruits, vegetables and whole grains. 

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